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marina spagnola


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The BPE is not an aircraft carrier

It is a nose multimission that was acting as auxiliary aircraft carrier in the cases in which the PDA or his successor could not do it.



THE BPE is not a civil ship. Applied ham military standards in the following critical elements:


Communications. -

interior Security and counter fires. -

Depositos of ammunition. -

Provisioning in the sea. -

Tie and I drop anchor. -

Systems of self-defense. -

Defense NBQ. -

Control and control. -

electrical Generation. -

Integration of helicopters and planes. -




The price of the BPE (360 mill Euros) only includes the hull. Not estan included in the price:


The radars LPI Lanza N

System of combat (Scomba)

Antimisil Defense (probably Is RAM),

Neither counter measures ECM/ESM (Aldebaran

F100 class)

The systems IFF nor landing ships.

Tactical links with the forces landed Neither systems of communications.


The real price is of aprox 600 mill of Euros, which it is what there costs an Australian complete BPE. In Spain it is necessary to camouflage prices not to scare the pacifists..... :angry:




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  ISAF ha scritto:
The BPE is not an aircraft carrier

It is a nose multimission that was acting as auxiliary aircraft carrier in the cases in which the PDA or his successor could not do it.

THE BPE is not a civil ship. Applied ham military standards in the following critical elements:


Communications. -

interior Security and counter fires. -

Depositos of ammunition. -

Provisioning in the sea. -

Tie and I drop anchor. -

Systems of self-defense. -

Defense NBQ. -

Control and control. -

electrical Generation. -

Integration of helicopters and planes. -


The price of the BPE (360 mill Euros) only includes the hull. Not estan included in the price:


The radars LPI Lanza N

System of combat (Scomba)

Antimisil Defense (probably Is RAM),

Neither counter measures ECM/ESM (Aldebaran

F100 class)

The systems IFF nor landing ships.

Tactical links with the forces landed Neither systems of communications.


ISAF, they'll never understand it!


  ISAF ha scritto:
The real price is of aprox 600 mill of Euros, which it is what there costs an Australian complete BPE. In Spain it is necessary to camouflage prices [u]not to scare the pacifists[/u]..... :angry:



'kin true!

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ISAF do u really think Spain will substitute Principes des Asturias? I know your navy has left the idea of two different groups, a strike group (named alpha and based on PdA) and an amphibious group (named Delta and based on the amphibious ship).


Ho recuperato questa perla di Typhoon:

Non basta un ponte continuo per "fare la portaerei" ... anche un trans ha le tette ma non è una donna ...
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  ghostrider ha scritto:
che bagnarola è mille volte meglio il nostro CAVOUR


C...o quanto è brutta!!!!!!!!!!!!




:oops: Scusate il doppio post ma avevo il computer che dava i numeri!!!!!! :wacko:

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  ghostrider ha scritto:
che bagnarola è mille volte meglio il nostro CAVOUR





Poi... ogni scarrafone è bello a mamma sua!

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  Nico ha scritto:
Ma a voi risulta un gruppo di volo del BPE (quando si usa come portaerei) di 11 Harrier e 7 NH-90?


Nico ma pensi veramente che nei prossimi 30 anni la useranno come CV? ISAF (spagnolo) ha detto chiaramente che la considerano portaerei solo in situazioni di emergenza. Quindi gia tanto se lancerà 2 e dico 2 Harrier in qualche Destined Glory!

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Che cattivo che sei! Diciamo 4 dai... :asd: :asd:


Invece questa è una cosa seria; si sa se gli spagnoli hanno intenzione di comprare l'F-35B o tireranno avanti cannibalizzando i loro harrier fino al 2030 o giù di lì?

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  enrr ha scritto:
In quest'ultima immagine è proprio brutta. La prua (e basta) ricorda molto quella della Kutnetzov


600 milioni di €? Ora il costo è più sensato.


I have committed a mistake.


The contract for 02 BPE of Australia costs 1.600 mill of Euros.

800 mill € (1.200 mill$) every equipped ship. This it is Final price;cd=2&gl=es


The price offered by the Spanish Government only includes the hull of the ship.


The systems of defense, radars, landing ships, equipments(teams) of communications etc etc etc belong(concern) to another budget item.


Imaginative accounting...


  Rick86 ha scritto:
ISAF do u really think Spain will substitute Principes des Asturias? I know your navy has left the idea of two different groups, a strike group (named alpha and based on PdA) and an amphibious group (named Delta and based on the amphibious ship).


Ho recuperato questa perla di Typhoon:



It does not substitute the principal Aircraft carrier of the fleet. The Prince of Asturias is going to modernize in all those the this BPE ready to embark the Harrier II +. (Year 2009) The price of his MLU is 200 Mill of Euros.


The PDA is modernized For 15 Years more.

New Radars, system of combat, self-defense etc etc etc.


The Navy before tape-worm two groups (Delta and Alpha)


Now only has one GRUFLOT (group projection of the fleet)


When the this ready BPE and the operative PDA again habra two principal groups of fleet.


This an AOR of 20.000 Tn being constructed tn (Cantabria) for the group of battle of the BPE.


AOR Cantabria g455bac20cantabria20600fj9.jpg




AOR of 17.000Tn (Patiño) for the group of battle of the PDA



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  Rick86 ha scritto:
Che cattivo che sei! Diciamo 4 dai... :asd: :asd:


Invece questa è una cosa seria; si sa se gli spagnoli hanno intenzione di comprare l'F-35B o tireranno avanti cannibalizzando i loro harrier fino al 2030 o giù di lì?



The army of the Air studies to do a joint order with the Navy to buy F35 and to replace his EF/18 and Harrier II for F35....




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Jesus, will u do something like the english harrier joint group?

You known that thoose planes will rarely see your carrier's deck?


Volete fare qualcosa come il joint harrier group inglese?

Lo sapete che quegli aerei vedranno raramente i ponti delle portaerei?

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  Nico ha scritto:
Ma a voi risulta un gruppo di volo del BPE (quando si usa come portaerei) di 11 Harrier e 7 NH-90?




Unit airs embarked of the PDA

12 Harrier II + (17 available ones) (in times of peace)

3 Seaking SearchWater

6 Ab 212

3 Seakin SH3



In the prox future Nh90

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  Rick86 ha scritto:
It's your AEW platform? Are u planning to substitute them with the new EH-101 HEW (heliborne early warning)?

Sono i vostri eliradar? volete sostituirli con EH-101 HEW?


Si sono gli Sh3D con lo stesso radar del Sea King ASaC2 della Royal Navy.


Non penso che lo sostituiranno a breve con gli EH 101HEW, dal momento che non hanno nemmeno quelli standard da trasporto/antisom. Poi nel futuro chissà...

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