TT-1 Pinto Inviato 1 Agosto 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 1 Agosto 2021 Primo appontaggio di un F-35B della Marina Militare su nave Cavour ... Parla la Sottosegretaria alla Difesa ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 12 Agosto 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 12 Agosto 2021 Corsi e ricorsi storici ... ovvero ... problemi odierni che implicano l'adozione di soluzioni già prese alcuni anni fa ... Quote The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and new Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall have a history, and some parts of it look to be repeating themselves. Kendall, now in his third week leading the Department of the Air Force, oversaw DOD weapons buying as the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics from 2012 to 2016. For the two years before that, he served as principal deputy undersecretary and acting undersecretary in the same office. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 13 Agosto 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 13 Agosto 2021 Come se il motore non fosse una parte essenziale del velivolo ... Quote As the Defense Department starts to put money toward advancements that will keep the F-35 relevant against Chinese threats, incumbent engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney is making the argument that F135 propulsion system upgrades should be part of the equation. Over the next decade, the Pentagon is set to upgrade the Lockheed Martin-made F-35 with a suite of new weapons, computing technologies and software that will make the jet a more capable foe, as Russia and China field their own improvements to fighters and air defense systems. But F135 engine modernization is not included in those Block 4 upgrades - at least not currently, said Jen Latka, Pratt & Whitney’s vice president for the F135 engine program. “Now is the time we need to get the requirement in place, the funding, and then start the program,” she told Defense News in an Aug. 6 interview. In March, Pratt & Whitney delivered a study to the F-35 Joint Program Office on F135 engine upgrades, which proposed two enhanced engine packages, which could be applied to all three variants of the F-35. Expand ... ... ... Al tempo stesso, però ... Quote New engine technologies emerging from the Adaptive Engine Transition Program are “vastly different” from those now flying on Air Force fighters, so retrofitting the current force with the new power plants won’t be possible, the service’s program executive officer for fighters and advanced aircraft said Aug. 12. The AETP technologies “really are future looking” and not applicable to existing fighters, Brig. Gen. Dale R. White told reporters in a press conference associated with the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s recent Life Cycle Industry Days symposium. The AETP, based on previous advanced engine programs, got underway in 2016, and full-scale engine tests have been conducted this year. General Electric’s version is the XA-100, while Pratt & Whitney’s is the XA-101. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 16 Agosto 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 16 Agosto 2021 "ODIN Base Kit (OBK)" ... cominciata l'assegnazione ai primi reparti ... Quote The F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office (JPO), in partnership with Lockheed Martin, has achieved a milestone in the transition to the modernized Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN) F-35 logistics information system by deploying ODIN hardware to two F-35 squadrons. Personnel from the JPO, Lockheed Martin, and local squadron maintenance crews completed the installation of new computer hardware called the ODIN Base Kit (OBK) July 16 at Naval Air Station Lemoore, California, in support of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 125, and Aug. 6 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, in support of the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES). These are the first of 14 scheduled OBK deployments from July 2021 through early 2022. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 1 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 1 Settembre 2021 Il Rappresentante Adam Smith (D.-Wash) ... un politico assai poco benevolo nei confronti del JSF ... Quote Upgrades in missile technology over the past several years have made the F-35 less survivable than previously hoped, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Aug. 31 as he pushed for more investment in smaller, unmanned platforms. Speaking at a virtual event hosted by the Brookings Institution, Rep. [s]Adam Smith (D.-Wash)[/s] was quick to note that the F-35 remains more survivable than other fighters “by quite a bit,” pointing to the F-16 for comparison. “But it’s also got some environments that it’s not going to be able to get into because of how much missile technology has improved since we started building the thing,” Smith said. Lockheed Martin, the maker of the stealthy fifth-generation fighter, claims the F-35 is the “most lethal, survivable, and connected fighter jet in the world.” The Air Force plans to buy 1,763 of the aircraft, which would make it the service’s largest fleet. Smith, on the other hand, has made no secret of his displeasure with the F-35 program. In March, he referred to the fighter as a “rathole,” and in June, he slammed the program’s high sustainment costs. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 4 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 4 Settembre 2021 Gli F-35 di Stati Uniti e Regno Unito si esercitano con gli alleati nel Pacifico Occidentale ... Quote Aircraft from carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) flew interoperability exercises over the Philippine Sea on Aug. 26 with U.S. Marine Corps and Royal Air Force F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters from the U.K. Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG 21), the Navy announced this week. Four Navy F-35C from Strike Fight Squadron (VFA) 147; five F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, assigned to Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFA) 2 and 192; two EA-18G Growlers, from Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 136; and one E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, from the “Black Eagles” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 113 participated in the drills, in addition to aircraft from CSG 21. The aircraft from the U.K. carrier included two U.S. F-35Bs from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 and two F-35Bs from U.K. Royal Air Force 617 Squadron “The Dambusters.” The exercise was one of the largest deployed collections of fifth-generation fighters, as both the U.S. and U.K. have begun to operate their F-35s in the Western Pacific. In addition to the aircraft on Vinson, Marine F-35Bs embarked on the America Amphibious Ready Group are operating in the region. Expand ... ... ... Anche qui ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
maxiss Inviato 6 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 6 Settembre 2021 (modificato) Mi domando,andasse a buon fine il tutto,l eventuale acquisto dell f35 B da parte della Marina spagnola, potrebbe influenzare la scelta sull eventuale acquisto del typhoon da parte dell aviazione terrestre spagnola?? Vero che le due macchine (F35 e Tuphoon)sono diverse per ruoli,vero anche che i due modelli di f35 sono più diversi di quanto il costruttore prometteva e quindi un piano di soli f35 non darebbe risparmi logistici immensi,però potrà la Spagna fare la scelta costosissima che abbiamo fatto noi? Modificato 6 Settembre 2021 da maxiss Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
Flaggy Inviato 7 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 7 Settembre 2021 La nostra costosissima scelta era anche industriale (aerei e componenti li costruiamo noi). La Spagna non è entrata nel programma americano e i suoi interessi industriali li ha tra EF-2000 e FCAS. Penso quindi che la questione F-35 alla fine rimarrà confinata laddove quei due progetti necessariamente non possono arrivare e cioè sul ponte di una nave spagnola. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 7 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 7 Settembre 2021 Un nuovo studio dell'Air Force chiede: qual è il numero giusto di F-35 da acquistare? ... Quote A new tactical aircraft study underway could make certain what has until now been a suspicion: The U.S. Air Force is unlikely to purchase all of the 1,763 F-35A jets in its program of record. The service is undertaking the study as it readies its fiscal 2023 budget and grapples with reducing the types of fighters it flies from seven to four main platforms by 2030, as prescribed by the service’s chief of staff. The four platforms could include: * The sixth-generation Next Generation Air Dominance system, or NGAD, which will supersede the F-22. * The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, which will make up the preponderance of the fleet. * The F-15EX, which will replace much of the existing F-15 inventory. * And either the F-16 or its replacement. That last decision is the most significant for the F-35 program. The Air Force’s original plan was to purchase enough F-35s to supersede all of its F-16s. So if the Air Force keeps the F-16 - or develops a separate low-cost replacement for part of the F-16 fleet - does it need to buy as many F-35s? Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 8 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 8 Settembre 2021 Imminente l'impiego di F-35B USMC a bordo delle navi portaelicotteri (trasformate) classe Izumo della Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ... Quote Il piano giapponese per utilizzare le attuali cacciatorpediniere portaelicotteri classe IZUMO per l’utilizzo di velivoli STOVL procede spedito. La speranza della Marina nipponica è quella di riacquistare la capacità portaeromobili, assente dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, a partire da questo autunno. Ad annunciare l’imminente avvio dei test in mare è stato il Comandante del Corpo dei Marines Americani, il Generale Berger, durante un seminario organizzato dall’Istituto Navale USA e il Centro di Studi Strategici e Internazionali, sotto il patrocinio delle Huntington Ingalls Industries. Expand ... ... ... Anche qui ... ... ... & Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 9 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 9 Settembre 2021 Si torna a parlare della possibilità di una futura rimotorizzazione degli F-35 ... Quote USAF Chief: New F-35 Engine Development Needed, Even Without Commitment To Buy ... Brian Everstine (AW&ST) - September 08, 2021 The continued research and development for a possible F-35 engine replacement is needed, even without a commitment to replace the current F135 powerplant, so the U.S. Air Force can keep the option open and the technology evolving, the top service general said Sept. 8. Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., speaking during a Defense News virtual conference, said eventually there will be a “fork in the road” when the service needs to decide if there will be a second engine for its F-35 fleet, “but the value of actually continuing the research and development is important so we do have options in the future.” Since 2016, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center has been conducting the Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) to demonstrate three-stream engines. The competition is between Pratt & Whitney’s XA101 and GE Aviation’s XA100 designs, which could be added to F-35s or the future Next Generation Air Dominance system. Brown and new Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall have reviewed the ongoing effort and decided “if we stopped the R&D … we basically shut ourselves off from having an option to go forward, and so this is why it’s important for us to continue research and development on this particular capability.” The House Armed Services Committee (HASC), in its markup of the 2022 defense policy bill approved Sept. 2, calls on the Pentagon to approve the use of the AETP on the F-35A. The bill specifically calls on the Defense Department to outline an acquisition strategy for development, integration, and operational fielding of the new propulsion system on to the Air Force’s F-35A fleet starting in fiscal 2027. The AETP engine is not a requirement for the F-35 yet, but the Joint Program Office has said it is following the development for possible Joint Strike Fighter use. Meanwhile, Pratt is also proposing a series of upgrades to its F135 engine to improve fuel efficiency while also bettering thrust. Kendall, in a recent interview with Air Force Magazine, said the service is following “some technologies that could go into future upgrades that could reduce some of the operational costs, such as fuel, significantly,” but added he was not ready to commit to those. The same HASC bill also outlines a plan to link the total number of F-35s in the Pentagon’s fleet to sustainment costs, cutting tails from the overall force size if the jets remain expensive to operate. Brown said what Congress is trying to do is in line with Air Force plans. “We are all committed to the same thing - to make it affordable and to make the sustainment costs more reasonable, and so that is a focus for us,” Brown said. “The language from Congress is really in line with what we’re trying to get done.” Brian Everstine Brian Everstine is the Pentagon Editor for Aviation Week, based in Washington, D.C. Before joining Aviation Week in August 2021, he covered the Pentagon for Air Force Magazine. Brian began covering defense aviation in 2011 as a reporter for Military Times. Expand Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 11 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 11 Settembre 2021 Ancora a proposito della possibilità di una futura rimotorizzazione degli F-35 ... parla General Electric ... Quote Engine makers should be able to meet House defense policy bill language calling for a new F-35 powerplant based on the Adaptive Engine Transition Program by 2027, but only for the conventional takeoff versions, a GE Aviation executive said. “We would be eager to step up to the challenge to meet the 2027 deadline” that the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act included, David Tweedie, general manager for advanced combat systems at GE Aviation, said in a Sept. 10 interview, adding that doing so is “certainly within the art of the possible.” He said, “We were encouraged by both the direction [to the Joint Program Office] to provide a transition plan, as well as authorization for an additional $257 million of funding above the President’s Budget request, so we are encouraged on all those counts.” After $4 billion in investment by the Air Force, through several successive technology programs, GE is in the final stages of testing its XA100 engine and Pratt & Whitney is also testing its XA101. The AETP program is a risk-reduction effort designed to make sure the technology is available if the Air Force wants to move on to a new powerplant for its fighters. Tweedie said the plan was always to develop an engine that could be applied to the F-35 at mid-life, and other, future aircraft, but not as a retrofit to the F-15, F-16, or F-22. The AETP engines were “optimized to the F-35 … from the beginning,” he said. However, the AETP engine will not be able to power the F-35B, the short takeoff/vertical landing version of the Lightning II, Tweedie said. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 11 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 11 Settembre 2021 Ancora a proposito della possibilità di una futura rimotorizzazione degli F-35 ... le alternative proposte da Pratt & Whitney ... Quote Modifications Pratt & Whitney is proposing to its F135 engine can improve thrust and efficiency and would be far less costly than giving the F-35 fighter a new powerplant developed through the Adaptive Engine Transition Program, the engine maker said. Jennifer Latka, Pratt & Whitney’s vice president for the F135 engine program, said the AETP technology is not compatible with the Marine Corps’ F-35B. That would necessitate two different alternative engines for F-35. The whole effort could add up to $40 billion over the 50-year life of the program, she said in an interview with Air Force Magazine. The House version of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act would require the F-35 Joint Program Office to pursue a strategy to incorporate an AETP engine into the F-35 fleet beginning in 2027. Congressional sources said one of the goals is to drive down the cost of F-35 engines by creating a competitor to Pratt & Whitney. GE, which is high on the AETP technology, is eager to offer its XA100 as an alternative. Pratt, owned by Raytheon Technologies, has also developed an AETP engine, the XA101. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
Flaggy Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 E 90 siano... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
engine Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 C'è la possibilità che possano imbarcare il nuovo motore di cui si vocifera ? Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
Flaggy Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 13 Settembre 2021 Credo che gli aerei saranno allo stesso standard di quelli prodotti negli USA in quel momento, ma il nuovo motore (a tre flussi) è molto fumoso e dichiaratamente troppo impegnativo nell'integrazione, a meno di non considerare le versioni potenziate dell'attuale (tempo fa si parlava in particolare della Growth Options 2) che sono già più probabili entro i tempi dell'ultimo lotto. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
engine Inviato 15 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 15 Settembre 2021 (modificato) Un vero contratto in vista ? Modificato 15 Settembre 2021 da engine Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 16 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 16 Settembre 2021 Ancora a proposito della possibilità di una futura rimotorizzazione degli F-35 ... la discussione continua ... e si prospetta che gli eventuali costi di sviluppo, integrazione e installazione del motore AETP sui velivoli in grado di riceverlo debbano essere a carico esclusivo dell'ente utilizzatore ... Quote The Air Force would have to bear the full development and integration cost of putting new Adaptive Engine Technology Program engines in its F-35 fleet because the other services can’t fit the powerplants in their versions of the fighter, F-35 Program Executive Officer Lt. Gen. Eric T. Fick told reporters Sept. 15. “If it’s a one-service, … unique solution, the cost of that solution will be borne by that service,” Fick said. Asked if moving forward with the AETP on the F-35 will depend on whether the Air Force is willing to bear that cost, he replied, “I think so.” The Air Force could go it alone on the AETP, he said. But the longstanding agreement among F-35 partners is that “you have to pay to be different.” Fick, speaking at a roundtable with defense reporters in his Arlington, Va., office, said he has visited GE Aviation’s Evendale, Ohio, plant to see its XA100 version of the AETP engine and came away “very impressed” and “energized” by the effort. Pratt & Whitney’s version of the AETP is called the XA101. Pratt & Whitney is the sole builder of the F-35’s F135 engine. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 18 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 18 Settembre 2021 Si stanno compiendo progressi nell'integrazione di missili SPEAR e Meteor sugli F-35 britannici e italiani ... Quote BAE Systems and MBDA have secured additional funding to complete the development and integration of next generation weapons capabilities on the UK and Italian F-35 fleets. This builds on the successful integration work that commenced in 2019 by BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and MBDA to upgrade the UK F-35 weapon systems. The award will see industry teams complete integration activities for the SPEAR precision surface attack weapon onto the UK F-35s, with the next-generation missile enhancing the UK’s future combat air capability through its network-enabled, high load-out, multi-effect capabilities with extended stand-off range. This will further enhance the UK Lightning Force’s capability to defeat challenging targets such as mobile long-range air defence systems at over-the-horizon ranges in all weathers and in highly contested environments. The funding will also see the remainder of the integration of MBDA’s Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile completed on both the F-35A and F-35B jets for the UK and Italian armed forces. Meteor’s networking and range capability is ideally suited to the F-35’s sensor suite to provide unrivalled capabilities in the battlespace. A team of engineers from BAE Systems, MBDA and Lockheed Martin will now commence the testing, simulation and integration activities in the UK and US, to achieve initial operating capability of both weapons. Expand ... ... ... & Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
maxiss Inviato 25 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 25 Settembre 2021 Dicevano di no,ma alla fine gli Usa hanno esercitato l opzione per altri 16 f35 Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 27 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 27 Settembre 2021 Lockheed Martin comunica ... Quote The F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) and the Lockheed Martin industry team have agreed on an F-35 production rebaseline that ensures predictability and stability in the production process while recovering the aircraft shortfall realized over the last year during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this agreement, Lockheed Martin is scheduled to deliver 133-139 aircraft this year, 151-153 aircraft in 2022 and anticipates delivering 156 aircraft beginning in 2023 and for the foreseeable future. Expand ... ... ... Anche qui ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
Flaggy Inviato 28 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 28 Settembre 2021 In pratica si è raggiunto uno status di produzione a pieno ritmo “ufficioso”, perché manca ancora quel benedetto Joint Simulation Environment, che si aggiunge all'intenzione ormai conclamata di raggiungere il picco produttivo col più performante block 4, il che fa calare le consegne più del covid. Quote The company delivered 120 F-35s in 2020, versus a planned 141, and reduced its planned production this year from 169 to 139. Expand Decisamente lo sviluppo è stato meno lineare di quanto programmato, anche se il velivolo sicuramente sta cominciando a dare soddisfazioni a mano a mano che si trovano soluzioni ai problemi pratici, che lo rendono anche meno delicato, come per esempio nuovi rivestimenti delle palette di turbina che diventano così più resistenti all’ingestione di sabbia desertica, la stessa che diede grattacapi ai velivoli occidentali fin dai tempi di Desert Storm. Evidentemente non si era imparata sufficientemente bene la lezione, prima che anche l’F-35 finisse in Medio Oriente. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 30 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 30 Settembre 2021 E' stato consegnato il 700° esemplare ... Quote Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Joint Program Office delivered the 700th production F-35. With more than 700 F-35s now delivered to U.S. and international operators, the impact of the global fleet is far reaching – significantly enhancing the allied joint force. As the F-35 fleet grows, so too does the alliance-based force needed to deter or defeat near-peer competitors. As Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall noted last week, “we need to move toward things that are more relevant to the fights we have to deter and, if necessary, win.” The F-35 is both the cornerstone of the fleet and a strategic deterrent. Expand ... ... ... Anche qui ... ... .html ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 30 Settembre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 30 Settembre 2021 Perché il JPO? Dovrebbero essere i vari servizi ad occuparsene ... Quote For more than two decades, a joint program office has overseen the development, acquisition, and sustainment of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. In the next few years, at least part of that could change. The Senate Armed Services Committee released its markup of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act on Sept. 22, and in the bill, the panel called for the Department of Defense to transfer sustainment management to the military services for their respective variants by no later than Oct. 1, 2027. As part of the provision, the Pentagon would be required to submit to Congress by February 2022 a plan for making such a transition, in which the Air Force would be responsible for the F-35A and the Navy for the F-35B and F-35C. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
TT-1 Pinto Inviato 3 Ottobre 2021 Segnala Condividi Inviato 3 Ottobre 2021 Ancora a proposito della possibilità di una futura rimotorizzazione degli F-35 ... la discussione continua ... Ora P&W enumera le possibilità che il proprio motore AETP può offrire al velivolo ... Quote Pratt & Whitney is testing its new XA101 Adaptive Engine Transition Program powerplant, and expects to conclude testing its two examples by the end of next year, company military engines division president Matthew Bromberg revealed in an interview. He expects that two-thirds of the technology developed from AETP could find its way into earlier engines now flying with the Air Force. The company is “thrilled” to have two options available for the Air Force and F-35 partners to choose from for an upgrade to the fighter’s propulsion system, Bromberg said. GE Aviation has developed the XA100 AETP engine as a competitor to Pratt’s version. Testing of “our first new fighter engine in 30 years … was successful,” Bromberg said. The first XA101 and its twin will shuttle back and forth between Pratt’s facilities and the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Center in Tullahoma, Tenn., for the next year or so, generating more data. The Air Force and F-35 Joint Program Office will use the data to help decide whether the F-35 should get an all-new powerplan - one of the AETP engines - or take Pratt up on its offer of an enhanced version of the F135 engine already in the F-35 fighter. Pratt succeeded in achieving the AETP’s goals, which were to obtain 10 percent improvement in thrust and 25 percent improvements in both fuel efficiency and thermal management, Bromberg said. “We know we can do that,” he said. Expand ... ... ... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
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