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A proposito della vita futura dei nostri "Harrier" ....


Military MRO
Diverse Boeing Fleet Drives Different Support Needs.
Aviation Week & Space Technology Sep 30, 2013 , p. 49
Bill Sweetman - St. Louis

One size does not fit all in the global Boeing fleet - Printed headline: Horses for Courses.

Boeing may have the most diverse support workload of any aircraft company. The Boeing military fleet worldwide includes fighters; airlifters; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft; and helicopters. Global and national fleet sizes range from single to four digits, and almost every U.S. ally has some Boeing hardware. The result is that Boeing offers a correspondingly large range of support options.

The end of C-17 production was announced two weeks ago, after several years in which Boeing had eked out production of this big and specialized aircraft with a combination of top-up sales to the U.S. Air Force and small-number sales to non-U.S. operators (the largest, to India, is 10 aircraft). Boeing credits this partly to a support concept that minimizes the headaches that can result from a small fleet.

The Globemaster Integrated Sustainment Program (GISP) is the second-largest revenue-earner in Boeing's Defense, Space & Security division, second only to the KC-46 tanker, grossing $1.8 billion in 2012 and directly employing 1,500 people. The worldwide fleet is supported by Boeing through a performance-based logistics (PBL) contract under which the company commits to continuous reductions in cost per flying hour. According to Boeing, cost per flight hour was reduced by 29% from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2011.

AW_09_30_2013_3404.jpg Maintaining an aging force of AV-8B Harrier IIs is a challenge for Boeing support teams. Credit: USMC Lance Cpl. Uriel Avendano

One key to making GISP work is what Boeing calls a “virtual fleet”; GISP regards all C-17s as part of the same fleet. For example, if NATO's joint fleet at Papa air base in Hungary needs a part and it is available from Qatar's stock in Doha, the part will be shipped from Qatar to Hungary and a replacement will be dispatched to Qatar.

In turn, an essential enabler for the virtual fleet is the fact that all C-17As are as close as possible to identical. The current baseline is the Block 18 configuration, and all aircraft are regularly updated as part of routine work packages (the C-17 is not designed for regular depot maintenance). The C-17 makes extensive use of onboard monitoring to detect discrepancies and communicate them to the GISP management system. The metrics are continuously revised in the light of operational experience.

The GISP contract is designed to address the dilemma of PBL. The customer does not want to be locked into a lifetime monopoly relationship with the contractor, but the contractor does not want to invest in improvements that may be rendered worthless if a competitor takes the contract away. The contract is locked in for five years, with a five-year option contingent on meeting performance and cost targets. When and if the option is firmed up, another five-year option is added. This gives Boeing time to recoup investments such as developing and qualifying replacements for line-replaceable units that do not perform well.

GISP meets the U.S. requirement that a fixed percentage of military support pass through government depots by subcontracting work to those organizations. The Air Logistics Center at Warner-Robins AFB, Ga., performs one million man-hours of work per year on the C-17 fleet.

Boeing uses a “virtual fleet” concept on the 737 Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft used by Australia, South Korea and Turkey, but executives are not sure if it will be applicable to the P-8A Poseidon antisubmarine-warfare aircraft, because of national configuration differences.

A completely different challenge is posed by the AV-8B Harrier. With the retirement of the U.K. Harrier force, Boeing has taken on a larger role in supporting the fleet, which now comprises 134 U.S. Marine Corps aircraft, 16 in Italy and 17 in Spain. The main problem today is coping with the fact that the Marines' out-of-service date for the Harrier has moved incrementally to the right, as Marine leaders have been forced to acknowledge delays in the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter program. The AV-8B is now to retire in 2030, with the “majority” of the fleet still flying in 2027.

The program has not been generously funded, and obsolescence and the supply base are an issue. Although Boeing was the prime contractor for the AV-8B, 75% of the supply base is in the U.K., and the company lost at least one-third of its business when the British force was retired. Moreover, there are still four configurations active in the fleet: radar-equipped AV-8B Plus, night-configured aircraft, older daytime-only jets and trainers.

One thrust of the Harrier support program is to update some aspects of the system. The 1980s-vintage APG-65 radar is unlikely to be effective in the 2020s against improved jamming systems. It was originally intended to support the AIM-120 missile, but that did not actually reach the fleet until 2011. The Marines would like to have a helmet-mounted cueing system as well as improvements to communications systems. The AV-8B today does not even have the Link 16 data-link system. At the same time, the Marines are in charge of the inventory of U.K. Harrier airframes that the Pentagon bought after their retirement, and Boeing has to help them use these to mitigate structural and out-of-production parts problems.



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the main problem today is coping with the fact that the Marines' out-of-service date for the Harrier has moved incrementally to the right, as Marine leaders have been forced to acknowledge delays in the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter program. The AV-8B is now to retire in 2030, with the “majority” of the fleet still flying in 2027.




Sti numeri non tornano.


Entro il FY2016 dovranno essere consegnati una cinquantina di F35B ai marines e presumbilmente attorno al 2020 avranno in circa 120 jets.


Come e' possibile ipotizzare che l'Harrier resti fino al 2030 visto che attualmente ne sono in servizio circa 134?!


Per tale data l'USMC avra in linea circa 300 JSF.

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tornano, visto che ad oggi non è certissima la IOC, e che sarà meglio pensare al piano B.


Oltre a questo, si parla dei programmi Boeing, non solo per i Marines, ma anhe per Italia e Spagna.



Guardi che qui parliamo di produzione. Secondo lei la versione -B resterebbe congelata fine ad oltre il 2020 perche bisogna aspettare la IOC ?


E nel frattempo che fabbricano?


Se tale IOC non arriva entro 3-4 anni al massimo il programma viene completamento cancellato, perche significa che ci sono talmente tanti di quei problemi che diventano irrisolvibili....... uno scenario a dir poco inverosimile.


Stiamo parlando peraltro di circa 134 Harrier non certo di 2mila pezzi !

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Ma la produzione è relativa: qui si parla invece di IMPIEGO, perchè se ho 300 B non operativi al 100%, devo comunque tirare avanti con gli Harrier.-


Mi pare evidente.



Guardi l'idea che si possano produrre 300 F35B e aspettare il 2030 prima che diventino operativi mi pare assolutamente inverosimile, troppo grande e' la distanza temporale.


Aggiungiamo poi che l'Harrier II e' il jet che piu degli altri (F16C, F18C) si ritrova con un forte gap tecnologico e prestazionale.

Un F35B LRIP7 benche non abbia la piena IOC e' gia oggi superiore al vecchio AV8B.


Anche per ragioni numeriche e' possibile che sia l'F16C ha restare in servizio fino al 2030.

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Non si capisce bene quali siano gli obiettivi di questa missione.




Il ministro Alfano spiega: "Abbiamo tre livelli per affrontare i flussi migratori: il primo è la cooperazione internazionale tendente a fare di tutto perché non partano le navi dei mercanti di morte; il secondo è il controllo della frontiera che è europea; il terzo è l'accoglienza e il dispiegarsi del dispositivo nazionale



Come tutti sanno i barconi partono sopratutto dalla Libia e dalla Tunisia, senza la collaborazione di questi due paesi non si ottiene nulla, perche piazzare 5-6-7-10 o anche 100 navi della Marina a sud di Lampedusa non risolve il fenomeno dei barconi.

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Non si capisce bene quali siano gli obiettivi di questa missione.





Come tutti sanno i barconi partono sopratutto dalla Libia e dalla Tunisia, senza la collaborazione di questi due paesi non si ottiene nulla, perche piazzare 5-6-7-10 o anche 100 navi della Marina a sud di Lampedusa non risolve il fenomeno dei barconi.

Credo che le nostre navi servano per aiutare tempestivamente gli immigrati in difficoltá.
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Nave Cavour .... in crociera (promozionale) .... per sei mesi ....


Crociera “promo” nel Golfo e in Africa per la portaerei Cavour ....


.... e ora si appresta a partire per un tour di promozione del made in Italy in cui verrà impiegata come “fiera galleggiante”.

Una missione anticipata sabato scorso dal ministro della Difesa, Mario Mauro, che l’ha definita strategica per mettere in sinergia diversi soggetti protagonisti del rilancio del sistema-Italia.


Fonte ....

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Tornando all'articolo di Repubblica riguardante l'operazione Mare Nostrum, io francamente ci ho capito che le navi (e anche la componente aerea), saranno impiegate sia per il pattugliamento delle acque italiane sia per fornire assistenza in caso di .......


Ma i fondi sono stati stanziati anche per la "Frontex", cioè per prevenire l'immigrazione clandestina aiutando la vigilanza nei paesi dal quale partono questi barconi.


In poche parole, da quello che ci ho capito (e potrei sbagliarmi), le regole di ingaggio sono:


se li beccano fuori dalle acque territoriali li respingono.

se li beccano dentro le acque territoriali li scortano fino a Lampedusa.

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  • 4 settimane dopo...

La lunga crociera di nave Cavour ....




Marina Militare .... "Civitavecchia: Insieme al Cavour prende il largo la missione "Il Sistema paese in movimento" ....


Analisi Difesa .... "La Cavour salpa per far “ripartire l’Italia” ....


E, naturalmente .... scoppiano le polemiche ....


"Portaerei Cavour, odg M5s: 'La Camera voti lo stop della missione per portare armi in Africa e Medio oriente' ..." ....


"Mauro difende la missione Cavour: 'Non venderà armi italiane in Africa' ..." ....





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Fra le aziende appartenenti al Gruppo Finmeccanica presenti a bordo di nave Cavour c'è anche WASS ....


"Italian Torpedo Maker Seeks To Re-establish Euro Tie-ups" ....


WASS ....

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