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Un elicottero per il Presidente USA ....

TT-1 Pinto

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  • 4 mesi dopo...

Nuovo rapporto del GAO ... che conferma la diminuzione dei costi del programma ...


Projected total costs for 23 new Sikorsky VH-92As, aircraft for the Presidential Helicopter Replacement programme, have declined $230 million from a previous estimate.
Sikorsky attributes the savings to several factors, including stable requirements, a low number of design changes, and programme efficiencies, says the Government Accountability Office (GAO) (*)
The projected total cost of the US Navy (USN) programme fell from $5.18 billion to $4.95 billion.
Initial delivery of VH-92A presidential helicopters is scheduled to begin in FY2020 with production ending in FY2023. 
The presidential helicopters are based on the commercial Sikorsky S-92A, a twin-engined, medium-lift helicopter. 
The new helicopters will replace the current US Marine Corps (USMC) fleet of VH-3D and VH-60N aircraft.

Fonte: ... Presidential helicopter replacement cost to fall by $230m ...

(*) ... ...

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  • 4 settimane dopo...
  • 1 mese dopo...

Assegnato il contratto per il primo lotto ...


Sikorsky was awarded a $542 million contract from the US Navy (USN) to build six production VH-92A Presidential Helicopters, an aircraft which will be known by the call sign “Marine One” when the president of the USA flies aboard.
The helicopters are part of low rate initial production lot 1. 
The total Presidential Helicopter programme of record calls for 23 aircraft to be managed and flown by the US Marine Corps (USMC). 
Sikorsky will deliver the first six production helicopters between 2021 and 2023. 
The contract also provides for spares and training support.
The USN reached a Milestone C decision on 30 May to move from the aircraft’s development programme into production. 
Prior to that decision, the VH-92A test aircraft located at NAS Patuxent River in Maryland underwent Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) testing and operations assessments, including landing and taking off from the south lawn of the White House without damaging the grass, says the USN. 
The VH-92A has flown more than 520 flight test hours in total.

... ... Sikorsky awarded $542m to build six ‘Marine One’ helicopters ...

Anche qui ... ... Sikorsky Awarded $542 Million for 6 Presidential Helos ...

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  • 3 mesi dopo...

Spòcchia ... 


We’re looking forward to the next 62 years,” Schutlz said. 
The S-92is the safest, most reliable helicopter in the entire world today ..... It is an incredible honor and also a duty for us to bring this helicopter into the presidential fleet.”

... ... With VH-92 on the way, Sikorsky looks forward to another 62 years of flying U.S. presidents ...

Many thanks ... Mr. Obama ... :furioso:

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is the safest, most reliable helicopter in the entire world today

A parte che ne hanno costruiti una manciata e 2 si sono schiantati (uno per problemi meccanici), io eviterei di chiamarla...

542 milioni per 6 elicotteri più quanto speso finora anche per cestinare un ipermodificato AW-101 e la prospettiva di arrivare a 23. Il tutto per portare a spasso presidente & co.

Il masochismo al servizio della politica.


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3 ore fa, Flaggy ha scritto:

A parte che ne hanno costruiti una manciata e 2 si sono schiantati (uno per problemi meccanici), io eviterei di chiamarla ...

Ti riferisci in modo specifico ai VH-92A presidenziali o, più genericamente, agli S-92 commerciali?

... ...

Quanto al resto ... basta ricordare la grottesca telenovela relativa ai CH-148 canadesi ...

... ...

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22 minuti fa, TT-1 Pinto ha scritto:

Ti riferisci in modo specifico ai VH-92A presidenziali o, più genericamente, agli S-92 

A che dovrei riferirmi quando parlo dei due incidenti? La frase dell'articolo si riferisce all'S-92 intesa come famiglia, mica a qualche prototipo di elicottero presidenziale manco entrato in produzione.

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  • 1 mese dopo...

Intanto ... arrivano nuovi fondi destinati alla prosecuzione della vita operativa dei vecchi elicotteri ...

Dalla pagina del contratti del DoD del 21 Novembre 2019 ...


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a Lockheed Martin Co., Stratford, Connecticut, is awarded a $15,387,971 cost, cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm-fixed-price task order (N00019-20-F-0429) against a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract (N00019-16-D-1000).  
This task order provides for security, project engineering, integrated logistics support, material support, sustainment engineering, training and program support for the VH-3D/VH-60N executive helicopter special progressive aircraft rework.  
Work will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut (88%); and Quantico, Virginia (12%), and is expected to be completed in November 2020.  
Fiscal 2020 operation and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $3,846,993 will be obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

... ... ...


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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Nuovo contratto per l'elicottero presidenziale ...


Sikorsky has won a $471 million contract from the US Navy (USN) to build six production VH-92A presidential helicopters.
The helicopters are to be operated by the US Marine Corps (USMC) and are to replace the Sikorsky VH-3D, popularly known by its call sign of “Marine One” when the US president flies aboard.
The Low Rate Initial Production Lot II (LRIP Lot II) deal was an option exercised as part of an earlier contract and will also provide for interim support of the aircraft, according to a US Department of Defense notice posted online 19 February. 
The USN plans to buy 23 examples of the VH-92A as part of its programme of record.
Sikorsky will deliver the six VH-92A helicopters in 2022 and 2023.

... ... Sikorsky wins contract to build six more VH-92A ‘Marine One’ helicopters ...

Anche qui ... ... Presidential Helicopter Maintains Momentum ...

Il testo del comunicato ... dalla pagina dei contratti del DoD del 19 Febbraio 2020 ...


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a Lockheed Martin Co., Stratford, Connecticut, is awarded a $470,813,279 firm-fixed price modification (P00084) to a previously-awarded fixed-price incentive-firm contract (N00019-14-C-0050).  
This modification exercises options to procure six low rate initial production lot II VH-92A aircraft, interim contractor support and six cabin interior reconfiguration kits in support of the Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program.  
Work will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut (50%); Coatesville, Pennsylvania (36%); Owego, New York (10%); Patuxent River, Maryland (3%); and Quantico, Virginia (1%), and is expected to be completed in December 2022.  
Fiscal 2020 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $470,813,279 will be obligated at the time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.


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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Nuovo contratto a supporto del futuro elicottero presidenziale ...


The U.S. Navy awarded technology integrator VT Group a five-year, $105 million contract (*) to support the presidential helicopter fleet with research, test, and evaluation, as well as integrated logistics, engineering, and maintenance support. 
The new contract continues the support VT Group has provided the Presidential Helicopters Program Office since 2004 and integration of the new Sikorsky VH-92A helicopter into the fleet.

... ... VT Group Wins Support Contract for New Marine One Helo ...

(*) ... ...


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  • 8 mesi dopo...

L'ex Presidente Trump lascia la Casa Bianca ...

Devo dire che fa una certa impressione vedere che sia lui che il suo successore siano (e saranno) costretti ad utilizzare una macchina che, pur essendo stata grande nei tempi trascorsi, ora è inesorabilmente obsoleta ...

Many thanks ... Mister Obama ... :furioso:


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Credo che il peccato originale sia sempre quello di aver richiesto 2000 modifiche (da pagare 400 milioni al pezzo...), per poi alla fine portare a spasso un beh “il” VIP. Ovvio che tra spendere un botto di soldi per un elicottero straniero e un botto per uno domestico, ha gioco facile chi vuol favorire in made in USA, anche se ha fatto finire nella spazzatura i miliardi della “prima mela”.

Poi, fosse per me, Trump in Florida ce l'avrei spedito in torpedone...

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tra le modifiche richieste c'era un distrubutore automatico di coca cola  dal costo di circa un milione di dollari ,le modifiche le introdussero per uccidere il programma nella culla .


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Nel 2014 il Pentagono pensava di pagare i 23 nuovi VH-92  237 milioni al pezzo.

L'anno scorso si sapeva che il programma aveva già sforato il budget di 1 miliardo di dollari... Altri 43 milioni al pezzo.


Sikorsky has built six VH-92A helicopters to date, five of which have undergone more than 1,000 flight test hours in Maryland. The newest request pushes to in excess of $1 billion the Pentagon's commitment for VH-92A helicopters and supporting parts and services.

Siamo insomma a 10 volte il costo di un S-92 standard...

Magari avranno dovuto sviluppare un nuovo distributore di Coca Cola che entrasse anche nel più piccolo VH-92...

Modificato da Flaggy
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  • 3 settimane dopo...

Dalla pagina dei contratti del DoD (Navy) del 5 Febbraio 2021 ...


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a Lockheed Martin Co., Stratford, Connecticut, is awarded a $478,605,019 firm-fixed-price modification (P00102) to a previously awarded contract (N0001914C0050).
This modification exercises options for the procurement of five Lot Three low rate initial production Presidential Helicopters Replacement Program (VH-92A) aircraft, and associated interim contractor support, two cabin interior reconfiguration kits, support equipment, initial spares, and system parts replenishment.
Work will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut (50%); Coatesville, Pennsylvania (36%); Owego, New York (10%); Patuxent River, Maryland (2%); Phoenix, Arizona (1%); and Quantico, Virginia (1%), and is expected to be completed in December 2023.
Fiscal 2021 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount $478,605,019 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.
The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

Inoltre ... ... ...


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  • 6 mesi dopo...

Ci siamo quasi ... l'entrata in servizio del VH-92A è ormai imminente ...


U.S. President Joe Biden is just months away from taking his first ride in the new VH-92 presidential helicopter, which when he steps aboard will become the first new “Marine One” in more than 40 years.
All the necessary pieces are in place for a transition to the VH-92A from the legacy VH-3D Sea King, which entered service in 1976, according to Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Greg Masiello, program executive officer for air anti-submarine warfare, assault, and special mission programs at U.S. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).
Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) is currently flying the first four Sikorsky VH-92 helicopters, and delivery of two more is “imminent,” Masiello said Aug. 3 during a briefing at the Navy League’s annual Sea-Air-Space Conference outside Washington, D.C. 
Those two will be the first two production-representative aircraft, rather than test articles.

... ... ...


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  • 3 mesi dopo...

VH-92A ... e meno male che la sua entrata in servizio doveva essere  imminente ... :rotfl:


President Joe Biden will not be embarking aboard the new Sikorsky VH-92A presidential helicopter for the time being, after the program was hit by more delays as a result of it failing to meet requirements for the all-important ‘White Top’ Marine One role. 
Among the latest failings identified is an inability to reliably undertake emergency contingency flights, potentially like those associated with the critical continuity of government mission.
A report today from Bloomberg  cited a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, who confirmed that the Biden administration is still working out whether the VH-92A is safe to be put into operation with Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1).
Bloomberg has also obtained an internal summary from the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) test office, dated September 28, which describes the VH-92A as “failing to meet the reliability, availability or maintainability threshold requirements” required of it.
That same summary notes that the helicopter is not considered “operationally suitable” and that this is a particular concern for the continuity of government mission set and other contingency operations. 
That’s obviously a significant shortcoming in an aircraft that would, for example, be expected to whisk the president to wherever they would be required should something catastrophic ever occur.

... ... ...

Che dire a questo punto?
Non resta che ringraziare una volta di più il Presidentissimo Obama ... il Senatore McCain (R.i.P.) che gli diede lo spunto per cancellare il programma e l'onnipresente/onnipotente Lockheed Martin (in questo caso Sikorsky) che venne premiata a scapito di AgustaWestland ...
God bless America ... 🇺🇸

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  • 6 mesi dopo...

VH-92A ..... un nuovo rapporto del GAO fa il punto sul programma ...


Sikorsky VH-92A, 23 aircraft with a combined development and procurement cost of $5.023 billion ... 

The GAO found that the VH-92A presidential helicopter replacement program (Marine One) likely has corrected previously reported performance problems with the classified, government-developed missions communications systems on board the aircraft; however, “technical modifications may be needed to address issues identified in follow-on operational testing.” 
The GAO also noted that the Navy was working to improve aircraft availability and reduce engine exhaust and fluid discharges in landing zones. 
A final fix for the exhaust problem, which singes the grass at landing zones, has yet to be implemented. 
A solution proposed by manufacturer Sikorsky involving blade pitch changes “will require the aircraft to undergo certification for landing zone suitability from the Federal Aviation Administration.” 
Fifteen of the 23 new aircraft are expected to be fully operational no later than January 2023.

 ... ... ...


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  • 2 anni dopo...

Incredibile ma veroil (quasi ex) Presidente Joe Biden ha volato per la prima volta su un VH-92A

... ... ...

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  • 5 mesi dopo...
Inviato (modificato)

"VH-3D Sea King"

C'era, una volta, il "Lockheed Martin VH-71 Kestrel"  :pianto: 🇮🇹 :pianto:

... ... ...

Sono ormai trascorsi 47 anni da che il "VH-3D Sea King" è entrato in servizioinutile, quindi, fare commenti


Modificato da TT-1 Pinto
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