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R.I.P. Bill Gunston


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ho appreso con stupore, la triste notizia della morte del "Gran Giornalista", promotore màssimo dell'Aeronautica mondiale.......Bill Gunston......deceduto lo scorso 1 Giunio all'età di 86 anni ha lasciato una monumentale opera scritta e visuale, libbri di primerissima necessità per qualsiasi appassionato dell' aeronautica. Chi? non ha mai avuto nelle mani una o varie delle sue meravigliose opere, aiutando a introdurre innumerevoli entusiasti al mondo dell'aeronautica. mancherai......e Grazie, Grazie mille




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Mi sapete dire se alcuni di questi libri si possono trovare tradotti anche in Italiano?

Modificato da tomcatMaic98
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Il necrologio del grande giornalista pubblicato da AW&ST nel suo numero datato 10 Giugno 2013 ....


Longtime Aerospace Writer Gunston Dies
Aviation Week & Space Technology Jun 10, 2013 , p. 16

Bill Gunston, prolific and pioneering aerospace journalist and author, died June 1 at a hospital near his home at Haslemere, Surrey, England, after a short illness. He was 86.


Born in in 1927, Gunston was educated as an engineer and served with the post-World War II RAF. In 1951, he turned down a “respectable career” (as he put it) at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough and joined the staff of Flight in London, serving as the journal's technical editor from 1955-64 and producing an authoritative body of work on the rapidly changing state of aerospace technology. He went on to found a science magazine, but became a full-time freelance writer in 1970.

Bombers of the West, published in 1973, was the first of many Gunston classics. His brisk, narrative, authoritative and opinionated style blew fresh air into a musty genre. His knowledge of controversies and decisions that had been masked by secrecy (and by trade media under the industry's thumb) a decade or more earlier, was second to none. A series of books on fighter and attack aircraft followed in the same vein, accompanied by a stream of ground-breaking and entertaining retrospectives in Aeroplane and other magazines, together with a prodigious flow of contributions to a fast-growing London military and aviation publishing scene.

Gunston drew a vivid, accurate and none-too-flattering portrait of a British industry that, despite its World War II achievements, was too fragmented to build high-performance, complex aircraft effectively and had too few leaders with the courage to make necessary changes. Unlike many British contemporaries, he respected the French industry's determination to lead Europe (and their frustration with British indecision). It was Gunston who, in 1975, bet the then-editor of Flight that the Airbus A300 and its derivatives would outsell the Boeing 727. “Unfortunately, last time I visited Aerospatiale, a major force in Airbus, they laughed their heads off,” he wrote. “It will take them a while to realize how big the Airbus Industrie operation must become.”

Gunston was also the long-time editor of the aero-engine section of Jane's All the World's Aircraft, and produced standard reference books such as a history of aircraft engines, the only aerospace dictionary, and a comprehensive history of Soviet aircraft—an amazing achievement for 1983. He was appointed to the Order of the British Empire in 1995.



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Stranamente .... sul sito di Flight International, rivista di cui Gunston fu Technical Editor per dieci anni, non è apparso alcun necrologio ....

Ho provveduto dunque a scannerizzare quello che, doverosamente, hanno pubblicato nell'edizione cartacea ....



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All'inizio del necrologio di Flight International viene menzionato un articolo di Gunston pubblicato sulla rivista nel 1975 ....

L'argomento era quello che allora veniva definito "il contratto del secolo" .... la competizione che avrebbe visto, poco tempo dopo, il trionfo dello F-16 statunitense sui concorrenti europei .... in particolare sul Mirage F.1 ....


Eccolo ....


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Mi sapete dire se alcuni di questi libri si possono trovare tradotti anche in Italiano?


Si. Alcuni sono stati pubblicati all'interno dell'opera " Grande enciclopedia delle armi moderne" (Peruzzo), altri si trovano nella serie Salamander books, sempre tradotti in italiano (Fabbri).

Modificato da Gian Vito
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Si. Alcuni sono stati pubblicati all'interno dell'opera " Grande enciclopedia delle armi moderne" (Peruzzo), altri si trovano nella serie Salamander books, sempre tradotti in italiano (Fabbri).


Devo confessare che non lo sapevo .... :oops:


Possiedo diverse opere di Gunston .... ma tutte in lingua inglese ....

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