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Arrow 3 .... primo test ....

TT-1 Pinto

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L'antimissile israeliano "Arrow 3" ha effettuato con successo il primo test ....




Israel Says It Successfully Tests New Missile Defense ....
Israel carried out a successful test of its upgraded Arrow interceptor system on Monday, which is designed to destroy in space the kind of missiles held by Syria and Iran, the Israeli Defence Ministry said.


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  • 2 settimane dopo...

Un sistema d'arma che rimarrà coperto da segreto ancora per parecchi anni ....



A superior interceptor for bigger threats ....


A 6min trajectory that took the Arrow-3 above the atmosphere yesterday was a success for a system that - in spite of its relatively high exposure - will be classified for years to come.


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  • 6 mesi dopo...

L'entrata in servizio del missile potrebbe avvenire prima del previsto ....



Israel could field Arrow 3 missile shield earlier than planned ....


Analysis of the Arrow 3 ballistic missile interceptor test performed early this year suggests that Israel will be able to shorten the time required to achieve operational status with the system, Israeli sources say.

During a flight conducted on 25 February by Israel's Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency, an Arrow 3 interceptor performed an exo-atmospheric trajectory through space, in accordance with the test plan.


Fonte ....





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  • 2 mesi dopo...
  • 1 mese dopo...

Arrow 3 .... secondo test ....



The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and US Missile Defense Agency performed a second successful test firing of the Arrow 3 defensive missile from Palmachim air base on 3 January.

The interceptor achieved an exo-atmospheric trajectory through space, in accordance with the test plan, the groups say.


Fonte ....

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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Qualche risposta ....



Above All ....

It is called "Arrow-3" but it is drastically different from the "Arrow-2" system, which is used nowadays in the Active Defense units of the IAF.
How is it different?
What advantages does the new system bring with it?
How will the new missile successfully intercept ballistic missiles far away in space?
Here are some of the answers ....


Fonte ....




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  • 4 settimane dopo...

si ma è una cosa molto aleatoria... fermo restando che io ho i miei dubbi che gli iraniani siano riusciti a creare una materiale/vernice RAM resistente al rientro in atmosfra, i missili balistici sono tracciabili anche tramite gli IR e/o con un bellissimo satellite ottico.

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  Il 04/04/2014 at 23:08, stefanin0 ha scritto:

no, mi sa che abbiamo a che fare con una persona ignorante che confonde i talebani con gli iraniani.


Infatti .... hai capito fischi per fiaschi .... e hai frainteso il significato che volevo dare al termine 'talebano' (che, devo ammetterlo, avrei dovuto mettere fra virgolette .... come ho fatto ora) .... ma questo era prevedibile ....

Quanto all'ignoranza .... che devo dire?

Nella tua, per ora, breve partecipazione a questo Forum ne hai scritte certe che meriterebbero di essere incorniciate e preservate (attento a non fraintendere anche questa volta) a futura e, come si suol dire, imperitura memoria ....

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  • 3 settimane dopo...

Riguarda anche il missile Arrow l'accordo stipulato fra India e Israele sulla difesa ABM .... 2rqj1uv.jpg



The worldtribune reports that India and Israel have concluded an agreement to assemble a ballistic missile defense system after two years of discussions.

The contract between Rafael, IAI and Indian companies should be signed by the end of the year.
The system will be based on the Arrow system and the Indian Prithvi.


Fonte .... "Israeli-Indian BMD System" ....

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  • 1 anno dopo...

Bersaglio centrato .....



The US-Israel Arrow Weapon System (AWS) and its Upper-Tier Arrow-3 missile scored its first intercept Thursday in a complex test designed to validate how the system can detect, identify, track and then discriminate real from decoy targets traveling quickly through space.

The milestone test, conducted over the Mediterranean Sea, paves the way toward low-rate initial production of the exo-atmospheric interceptor developed by state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and supported by its US partner, Boeing, program officials said.


Fonte ..... "US-Israel Arrow-3 Intercepts Target in Space" .....


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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Juniper Cobra 16 .....



US, Israel Train on Ballistic Missile Defense .....


Brian Everstine (2/25/2016)


More than 1,700 US uniform and civilian personnel are in Israel for Exercise Juniper Cobra 16, in which participants from both countries will raccordingun a computer simulation focused on ballistic missile defense, Defense Department spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said Monday.

The exercise is the highest priority for US European Command this year and one of the largest bilateral training exercises between the two countries, he said.

It runs for two weeks and will focus on improving the ability to defend Israel from possible missile attacks.

The biennial exercise dates back to 2001 and “is an important part of the training of both the US EUCOM and the [israel Defense Forces],” according to the IDF .....

During the previous exercise, US and Israeli forces ran simulations focused on defense, crisis resupply, foreign disaster response, and foreign humanitarian assistance .....


Fonte ..... il 'Daily Report' dell'AFA .....






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  • 1 anno dopo...

Arrow 3 ... primo impiego operativo ... in un episodio dai contorni non ancora del tutto chiari ... :scratch:


Israel shot down an incoming Syrian anti-aircraft missile with the Arrow defense battery early Friday morning, military officials said, in the first reported use of the advanced system.
At approximately 2:30 a.m., Israeli “aircrafts targeted several targets in Syria,” the Israel Defense Forces said, prompting a Syrian attempt to down the Israeli jets.
According to Arab media, the target of the IAF strikes was a Hezbollah weapons convoy.
“Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria following the mission and IDF aerial defense systems intercepted one of the missiles,” the army said in a statement.
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  • 4 mesi dopo...

Difesa anti-missili ... Israele guarda al futuro ...



We’re very happy that the missile defense architecture of Israel is working, but, as you know, we can’t stand in place. We have to remain at least one step ahead of the threat,” said Moshe Patel, director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization, part of the MoD’s MAFAT Defense Research and Development Authority.

“We’re today evaluating technology in the industry and in MAFAT to determine the way forward.”


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  • 6 mesi dopo...
  • 2 settimane dopo...

"Arrow" ... sono ormai trascorsi 20 anni ...


... ...

  Il 21/02/2018 at 19:58, TT-1 Pinto ha scritto:

Il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti annuncia l'avvenuto lancio di prova di un ABM Arrow 3 ...


... ...


Anche qui ... ...

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