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US Air Force

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"Checkered Flag 21-1" in corso nel Golfo del Messico Orientale ...


About 80 aircraft have come together for Checkered Flag 21-1 - a large-scale, air-to-air exercise off the coast of Florida.
The exercise, which focuses on integrating fourth and fifth-generation fighters in several scenarios, runs until Nov.14 at Tyndall Air Force Base.
Participating aircraft include Tyndall’s F-22s and T-38s; F-22s from the 3rd Wing at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska; F-35s from the 388th Fighter Wing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah; F-15Es from the 366th Fighter Wing at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho; F-15s from the California Air National Guard’s 144th Fighter Wing; and F/A-18s from Strike Fighter Wing Pacific at Naval Air Station Lemoore, Calif., according to Tyndall (*)
Tankers and mobility aircraft also are participating.


airforcemag.comFourth- and Fifth-Gen Fighters Participate in Tyndall’s Checkered Flag …

(*) brings the heat with Checkered Flag 21-1 …


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Il fatto che abbia licenziato così tanti indica quanto per ruoli delicati sia ancora difficile trovare persone disposte a compiacere in tutto un individuo del genere.

E'così abituato a dire agli altri "you are fired" in stupide trasmissioni TV, che manco accetta quando oltre 72 milioni di americani lo dicono a lui in mondovisione...

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Non lo sono, ma un Presidente in una democrazia non può fare quello tutto quello che gli pare e con questa consapevolezza penso che molti repubblicani non voterebbero democratico nemmeno se il candidato repubblicano fosse Attila, senza contare che c'è sempre c'è una bella fetta di volgo...manipolabile facilmente, specie da chi lo sa fare usando tutti i mezzi (comprese le fake news dallo Studio Ovale...).

Dal commander in chief però ci si aspetta altre qualità: che questo individuo invece licenzi il Segretario della Difesa con un tweet è solo la punta dell'iceberg della sua incapacità a ricoprire un ruolo in cui si richiede attenzione ai problemi, riflessione nelle analisi ed equilibrio nelle decisioni...Se avesse un minimo di empatia capirebbe che giustamente l'hanno mandato a casa per questo: sfortunatamente è privo pure di quella...

Per le questioni militari sicuramente serve un'approccio di cui l'individuo è completamente privo e cui fortunatamente ha posto rimedio (anche a prezzo della carriera) il suo staff. E' forse vero che non abbia scatenato nessuna guerra (tralasciamo qualche bomba o qualche cruise...), ma io penso che più che altro non si sia trovato in condizioni di scatenarla...

In effetti, a ben guardare non ha combattuto nemmeno l'unica guerra che valesse la pena combattere, quella contro il covid, ma che si è trasformata in un'ecatombe...

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Siamo ot però l argomento forse lo merita. 

Il personaggio è quanto di più antisistema, stato possa esistere sulla faccia della terra, ma ha preso milioni di voti per le sue scelte economiche. Io non ho la competenza per dire se è vero o è solo un ricco che ha tolto le tasse ai ricchi, ricordiamoci che di fake news ne è piena anche la sinistra mondiale, ma le sa dire meglio ed in modo istituzionale.. 

(pure) Sulla successione trump è osceno, ma va detto che non ci sono regole scritte definite, Biden non potrà sbatterlo giù dalle scale, non ci sono precedenti e ci saranno cause legali mentre il paese andrà col pilota automatico, se non succede qualcosa di grosso. Quindi ci sono anche mancanze da parte dei padri fondatori nel non prevedere politici forse fuori di testa, ma sicuramente fuori dagli schemi

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Oltre che OT siamo anche contro il regolamento del forum, che da anni vieta le discussioni politiche perchè tendenzialmente finivano in zuffa...

Mi scusino i moderatori.

Fake news e propaganda ci sono dall’alba dei tempi, ma Trump è riuscito nella difficile impresa di farsi censurare (oltre che dai social) persino dai media che hanno stroncato il collegamento quando ha cominciato a dire balle a ruota libera dopo la sconfitta elettorale.

Trump nei sondaggi è stato definito forte, determinato, audace, ma anche arrogante, incompetente e stupido, giudizio condiviso da diversi (ex) membri del suo stesso staff oltre che evidentemente almeno dai suddetti 72 milioni di concittadini.

Si può risollevare l’economia (Obama lo fece da condizioni ben peggiori di quelle in cui la trovò Trump) anche senza le ultime tre “qualità” e anche senza essere scorretti, bugiardi patologici, complottisti e demenzialmente antiscientifici.

Non credo però il paese possa andare col pilota automatico. Procedure e scadenze ci sono e anche se Trump riuscisse ad arrivare alla Corte Suprema, secondo molti analisti nemmeno la maggioranza repubblicana (creata da lui...) potrebbe salvarlo...

Tornando all’ambito militare, la spinta al rinnovamento dei mezzi e soprattutto il comando spaziale avviato dalla sua amministrazione sono scelte oculate, ma non credo dipendano dalla lungimiranza di uno che fosse per lui tornerebbe a fare portaerei con le catapulte a vapore...

Già di più vedo il modus operandi Trumpiano nella questione della vendita dell’F-35 agli EAU, affrontata irresponsabilmente scavalcando il Congresso e creando non poche frizioni istituzionali.

Non mi pronuncio sulla decisione di acquistare altri “vecchi F-15 nuovi”, perchè tirare un discutibile salvagente a Boeing non credo possa essere a prescindere un errore alla Trump, sempre ammesso sia un errore.

Al che mi taccio vista soprattutto la prefazione a questo messaggio...


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  • 4 settimane dopo...

Il Generale Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager è volato via all'età di 97 anni ...


US Air Force officer and test pilot Chuck Yeager, known as "the fastest man alive," has died at the age of 97.
Yeager broke the sound barrier when he tested the X-1 in October 1947, although the feat was not announced to the public until 1948.
His second wife, Victoria, confirmed to CNN Monday night that Yeager had passed after she tweeted from Yeager's verified Twitter account that the World War II flying ace had died.
"An incredible life well lived, America's greatest pilot," she tweeted.


cnn.comChuck Yeager, pilot who broke the sound barrier, dies at 97 …

:bye: ??

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Da AW&ST ... un ricordo di Chuck Yeager ...


Rifle bullets traveled two to three times the speed of sound long before Yeager exceeded Mach 1 in the X-1. 
But bullets do not have wings and control surfaces, and flight at transonic speed - where some of the airflow over the airframe is subsonic and some is supersonic - creates dangerous buffeting and baffling control forces in an aircraft optimized for subsonic speed. 
Overcoming those effects in the transonic regime already had killed many pilots including Geoffrey de Havilland, Jr., in his attempt in 1946 to conquer the sound barrier in a DH108.


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Concentrazione ...


Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, now has its second F-35A squadron.
The 355th Fighter Squadron officially stood up during a Dec. 18 ceremony at the base, joining the 356th Fighter Squadron that activated earlier this year. 
The base will eventually be the home to 54 of the aircraft, and with F-22s at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska will be the home to the highest concentration of fifth-generation fighters in the Defense Department.
“The 354th FW has been tasked with standing up two combat-coded F-35A squadrons for a total of 54 F-35As at Eielson AFB,” squadron commander Lt. Col. Samuel Chipman said ... 
“The 355th FS is the final addition to this tasking.”


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  • 2 settimane dopo...
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Dalla "Red Flag" alla "Black Flag" ...


The U.S. Air Force has just signed off on a new flag exercise that brings together large weapons and capabilities under one comprehensive test event.
Air Combat Command's Gen. Mark Kelly earlier this month authorized "Black Flag," a tactics and integration exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada ...

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Anche  piloti e tecnici  dovranno " ..... remove " their  :whistling:  " visual representation, symbols, or language derogatory to any race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age, or disability status to ensure an inclusive and professional environment .....” .....   ?  :punk:?? :censura:

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Il quartier generale dello U.S. Space Command sarà trasferito a Huntsville ... storica località legata agli albori della corsa allo spazio ...


Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal is the preferred new home of U.S. Space Command, the Air Force said Jan. 13, signaling the Pentagon is on board with a major move from the longtime center of military space operations in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Redstone is a key Army installation in Huntsville, a defense-heavy area known as “Rocket City” for its involvement with NASA. 
After the Air Force vetted several cities as prospective SPACECOM headquarters locations, it said the city scores highest on “factors related to mission, infrastructure capacity, community support, and costs to the Department of Defense,” the service said in a release (*).


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Il Vice Presidente uscente Mike Pence rende onore alla memoria di “ChuckYeager ... 


Vice President Mike Pence honored the life, career, and character of World War II ace and renowned Air Force test pilot Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager at a Jan. 15 memorial service in Yeager’s home state of West Virginia.
“What generations of our family have in common is that we’ve all been inspired by the life and the service and the heroism of Gen. Chuck Yeager,” Pence said of the retired brigadier general. 
The Vice President is the father of a Marine Corps fighter pilot and the father-in-law of a Navy fighter pilot.


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Washington, 20 Gennaio 2021 ... il ruolo dell'Air Force nel giorno dell'insediamento del nuovo Presidente ...


The Air Force’s role in Joe Biden’s inauguration will look much different from past inaugurations, with a historic national airlift bringing in thousands of Guardsmen to protect the Capitol and surrounding areas and a ceremonial component that is much smaller than previous events because of the security situation in Washington, D.C., and the ongoing pandemic.
In the run-up to the 59th inauguration, the Air Force activated the 320th Air Expeditionary Wing as the USAF service component of the Joint Task Force-National Capital Region - the military effort that contributes to the overall inauguration security effort led by the U.S. Secret Service. 
On Jan. 20, about 400 USAF personnel will support inaugural events, including flying VIPs, Honor Guards and bands, and communications and other support. 
This is down from the 1,000 who participated in front of and behind the scenes in 2017.


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Dove si parla di code di cavallo e trecce ... ?‍♀️


Female Airmen and Guardians will soon be able to let their hair down - at least a little.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. recently approved a recommendation by the Air Force uniform board to allow women to wear a single ponytail, or single or double braids, as long as the hairdo reaches no farther than their upper back and doesn’t exceed the width of their head.
Eyebrow-length bangs are now fair game as well ...

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Ai politici del Colorado non piace la decisione del trasferimento del quartier generale dello U.S. Space Command in Alabama ... 


Colorado’s congressional delegation is pushing President Joe Biden to review the Trump administration’s recent decision to move U.S. Space Command headquarters to Huntsville, Ala., in a Jan. 26 letter signed by all nine senators and representatives.
After searching for two years on behalf of the Defense Department, the Air Force said earlier this month that Huntsville is its top choice to host the HQ, based on factors like infrastructure, community, and costs. 
Huntsville, home to the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, has only to pass an environmental review to finalize the decision.


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Red Flag 21-1 è in corso ...


The 2021 iteration of the annual Red Flag combat air exercise at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., is focused on great power competition, two of the minds behind the event told Air Force Magazine on Jan. 29.
“In the past, what we have done is we’ve had a kind of nebulous enemy out there that we’ve fought—somebody that’s challenging, somebody that … provides those problem sets and tries to punish our mistakes,” 57th Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Michael R. Drowley said in an interview. 
“But over the past few evolutions of Red Flag, we’ve really tried to take a National Defense Strategy approach, and tie the scenarios that we’re putting our participants through [to] real-world operations that they may see, either in Europe or the Pacific. 
So that way, if the flag ever goes up, they are that much more prepared for combat.”
With 27 unique scenarios (a mixture of offensive and defensive situations) inspired by the 2018 National Defense Strategy, this year’s exercise kicked off on Jan. 25 and will run through Feb. 12. 
About 2,400 people are taking part, and USAF aircraft representation includes the A-10, F-15E, F-16, F-22, F-35, B-1B, and B-2 ...


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Un piano che torna in discussione ...


Plans to significantly reduce the U.S. footprint in Germany are now on hold as the new administration reviews the decision and its impacts, the head of U.S. European Command said Feb. 3.
In July, then-Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and EUCOM boss Gen. Tod D. Wolters announced that DOD would remove nearly 12,000 troops from Germany, shift F-16s from Spangdahlem (the base’s only flying mission), and halt plans to move tankers and special operations forces from England to Germany, among other changes. 
The announcement came after former President Donald J. Trump repeatedly stated his desire to reduce the U.S. footprint in Germany.
Wolters told reporters in a teleconference that planning for the moves immediately stopped once new Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III took charge. Wolters would not say how far along the changes were in planning.
“There were so many pieces and parts to the plan, we could probably sit here for weeks and guess on the depth and how far along we were,” Wolters said.


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?? ??

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