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Il recente arrivo a Eielson degli ultimi F-35 assegnati alla base, ha segnato la conclusione del lungo iter che ha visto la costituzione di un secondo Wing dell'Air Force completamente operativo e dotato dei nuovi caccia di quinta generazione ...


Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, celebrated the beddown of its full complement of F-35s on May 13, with a ceremony just weeks after the base received the last of its 54 fighters.
The arrival of those F-35s in mid-April gave Eielson the Air Force’s second fully equipped, combat-coded F-35 wing, comprising two fighter squadrons.
The celebration marking the official end of a two-year beddown process featured Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach, commander of Pacific Air Forces, and Col. David J. Berkland, commander of the 354th Fighter Wing, as well as officials from Lockheed Martin.

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Il CSM USAF Generale Charles Q. Brown Jr. ha visitato il Canada per parlare, fra le altre cose, anche dello F-35 ...


... Brown also “further welcomed” Canada’s decision to buy the F-35, the USAF readout states.
The Canadian government picked the F-35 in March as the preferred bidder for its next fighter jet, announcing plans to buy 88 of the fifth-generation aircraft. 
Deliveries would be slated to start in 2025.
However, the final contracts with Lockheed Martin have not been signed as negotiations are ongoing, and according to Global News, Procurement Minister Filomena Tassi has warned that it is not guaranteed that a deal will be reached. 
Canada’s history with the F-35 is a fraught one. 
Initial plans from 2010 to buy 65 of the jets became a political issue, and then-candidate for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised on the campaign trail in 2015 to cancel any F-35 orders.
Now in office, Trudeau and his government have reversed course, but critics say they remain frustrated by the delays.
Brown, for his part, “noted that the increased capabilities and interoperability afforded by a common platform would bolster the continental defense partnership,” according to the USAF release. 
Should Canada finalize a deal for F-35s, it would join the U.S., Finland, Norway, and Denmark as Arctic nations that either operate or have agreed to buy F-35s.

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Appena pubblicato sulla pagina online dell'AIR FORCE Magazine ...


A detailed guide to the aircraft, aerial target systems, weapons systems, and satellite systems in USAF and USSF inventory.

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A margine ... ... ...



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L'azienda britannica Reaction Engines ha iniziato una campagna di tests nel tentativo di dimostrare che può aggiornare gli attuali motori a getto dell'USAF per renderli in grado di funzionare sino a Mach 4 ed oltre ...


The UK's Reaction Engines has started a new test campaign to greatly expand the envelope on its high-mach propulsion technology, hoping to prove it can upgrade current jet engines to be capable of working from takeoff speeds up to Mach 4 and beyond.
The new tests are being done in conjunction with the US Department of Defense and Air Force Research Laboratory, as part of a Foreign Comparative Testing program that the US military uses to identify high-TRL (Technology Readiness Level) technologies that could "rapidly and economically satisfy current and emerging requirements."
The technology in question is the groundbreaking precooler that forms a key part of Reaction's vaunted SABRE, or Synergetic Air Breathing Rocket Engine. 
The SABRE engine, still under development, is a jet/rocket hybrid that promises to operate as a super-fast jet for hypersonic flight at speeds up to Mach 5 in the atmosphere, and then engage its rockets to accelerate up to Mach 25 "for space access."

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Gli F-35 della Vermont Air National Guard sono rientrati negli Stati Uniti dopo tre mesi di permanenza in Germania ...


After three months in Europe, Airmen from the Vermont Air National Guard and their F-35s returned home in early August, completing the first overseas deployment of the Guard’s first F-35 unit.
Eight F-35 fighters and more than 200 Airmen first deployed in late April and early May and operated out of Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. 
Their presence in the region was needed to relieve F-35s from the 34th Fighter Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, that had arrived in Europe in February in response to Russia’s increasing aggression toward Ukraine and NATO’s eastern flank.

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La scomparsa di Joe Kittinger  :bye: ...


Col. Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., a Vietnam-era fighter pilot, prisoner of war, and recipient of the Harmon Trophy whose freefall jump records earned him a place in the National Aviation Hall of Fame, died Dec. 9 at the age of 94.
Kittinger, who was also awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Silver Star medals, was most widely known for Project Excelsior (*), a series of freefall jumps from research balloons that he made to both test the effects of high altitude on the human body and to improve the safety of pilots ejecting from aircraft at very high altitudes.
His records stood for 52 years until 2012, when he helped daredevil Felix Baumgartner break most of them.

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Nella "Tinker Air Force Base" si  è attuata l'esercitazione "Weather Flush" con tanto di "Elephant Walk" degli E-3 ...


More than a dozen E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control, or AWACS, aircraft lined up on the runways at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., on March 21. 
The crews of the distinctive E-3, with rotating radar domes perched above the fuselage, were practicing one of their more perilous missions: "The Weather Flush".
“The weather flush gives aircrews, support squadrons, and maintainers a chance to practice generating the E-3G Sentry to evacuate the area quickly in the event of a weather emergency,” a Tinker Air Force Base release (*) said of the exercise.
Before severe weather hits, Air Force bases across the U.S. often fly their planes of harm’s way. 
Usually, evacuations occur because of a hurricane or a similar large, predictable weather event. 
Some bases, however, are subject to unpredictable weather and have aircraft that cannot easily be replaced - Tinker Air Force Base is in the heart of tornado alley in central Oklahoma and houses most of the Air Force’s AWACS fleet.

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Pituffik Space Base è la nuova denominazione della Thule Air Base ...


The northernmost U.S. military base in the world has a new name, and it’s even harder to pronounce than the old one: Thule Air Base was renamed Pituffik Space Base on April 6. 
Pronounced “Bee-doo-FEEK,” the new moniker reflects the Inuit native people’s name for the settlement where the Greenland base was built and recognizes the base’s primary role in support of space missions.
Located nearly 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Pituffik has been home to U.S. Air Force personnel since the early 1950s, where its strategic location makes it vital to missile defense and space domain awareness. 
Pituffik hosts the 12th Space Warning Squadron and its Upgraded Early Warning Radar, and Detachment 1 of the 23rd Space Operations Squadron, which does telemetry, tracking, and controls dozens of satellites. 
Pituffik’s original Inuit residents were forcibly relocated in 1953, a history that remains controversial in Greenland to this day. 
The base’s former name, Thule, came from explorer Knud Rasmussen early in the 20th century, a reference to Greek and Roman maps that cited a mysterious northern island called “ultima Thule” - named for an ancient Greek explorer who sailed far north and landed on an island whose name he heard as “Thule.”

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Quello strano volo di un cargo militare da Ramstein a Ghedi via Atlantico ... l'ombra delle atomiche ...



Le nuove bombe nucleari B61-12 potrebbero essere arrivate tre giorni fa all'aerobase di Ghedi. 
Se il condizionale è d'obbligo, a indurre un legittimo sospetto sul punto è un fatto piuttosto anomalo, puntualmente intercettato da un sito specializzato in monitoraggio di voli militari, 
Si tratta di un volo cargo dalla base Nato di Ramstein, in Germania, a quella bresciana di Ghedi.

5.500 chilometri invece di 500 ...

Di per sé nulla di straordinario, visto che servono cargo a garantire approvvigionamenti al personale Usaf di stanza a Ghedi. 
Non fosse che invece di limitarsi a transitare sui cieli del Vecchio Continente, il C-17A Globemaster del 62nd Airlift Wing che ha collegato i due aeroporti militari ha compiuto un ampio giro passando su Inghilterra, oceano Atlantico al largo delle coste di Irlanda, Francia, Spagna e Portogallo, per poi rientrare sul Mediterraneo dallo stretto di Gibilterra, puntare sempre sopra l'acqua e sorvolando il meno possibile zone di terra, fino alla Sardegna e al Tirreno settentrionale. 
Da ultimo ha raggiunto Ghedi via Emilia Romagna. Per capirci, invece di un volo da meno di 500 km, ha descritto un giro enorme da 5.540 km, metro più, metro meno.


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La rotta del C-17 giustificherebbe una missione di quel tipo, tuttavia è strano che , per portare delle Mk 61, si debba partire da Ramstein e non , per esempio, da Lakenheath dove , probabilmente, ci sono già.  Un'ipotesi che si può fare è che gli ordigni ( se di essi si tratta ) sono stati inventariati nel database dell' USAFE il cui comando si trova lì .

Per quanto riguarda il dilemma esistenziale se Ghedi sia o meno una base " atomica " , ci si metta il cuore in pace: sulla presenza di armi nucleari gli americani non dicono né sì , né no .


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Una seconda unità della Air National Guard del Wisconsin ha ricevuto i suoi primi F-35 ...


A second Air National Guard unit has its first F-35s, as three of the fifth-generation fighters arrived at Truax Field, Wisc., on April 25. 
The Wisconsin Air National Guard’s 115th Fighter Wing has been working toward the F-35 for years now - Truax Field was selected as one of two preferred locations for the fighter back in 2017, and an official basing decision came three years later in April 2020. 
The wing’s final F-16 left the base in October 2022.

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Cosa accadrà agli F-22 più vecchi dell'USAF se il Congresso approva il loro ritiro?


Se il Congresso è d'accordo con la richiesta dell'USAF di ritirare 32 F-22 Block 20 come parte del suo bilancio fiscale per il 2024, gli aerei saranno utilizzati come addestratori ancora per un po' di tempo, quindi saranno immagazzinati per un periodo indeterminato presso presso l'Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) "Boneyard" della base aerea di Davis-Monthan in Arizona , ha dichiarato l'Air Combat Command a Air & Space Forces Magazine.
Alla fine, verranno demoliti dal personale e dagli appaltatori dell'USAF esperti nello smaltimento di materiali furtivi.
"Sono in fase di sviluppo piani specifici per la disposizione", ha detto un portavoce dell'Air Combat Command.

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L'esercitazione "Cope Thunder" torna nelle Filippine dopo 33 anni ...


Le forze aeree degli Stati Uniti e delle Filippine stanno rilanciando un' esercitazione di addestramento al combattimento dopo più di 30 anni mentre entrambe le nazioni sono alle prese con la crescente potenza militare della Cina.
Dall'1 al 12 maggio, i caccia americani si eserciteranno in tattiche con l'aeronautica Filippina nell'esercitazione "Cope Thunder".
Le esercitazioni sono iniziate lo stesso giorno in cui il Presidente delle Filippine Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr., ha incontrato il Presidente Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca a proposito della partnership di difesa sempre più stretta tra Stati Uniti e Filippine.
In meno di un anno da quando Marcos è entrato in carica, le due parti hanno concordato di espandere l'accesso degli Stati Uniti a quattro nuovi siti nelle Filippine; gli Stati Uniti hanno inviato in visita caccia di quinta generazione; e i due hanno collaborato a "Balikatan", un'enorme esercitazione con oltre 17.000 membri del personale Statunitense e Filippino, insieme a 100 Australiani.

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