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Tutti i contenuti di Andrea75

  1. Andrea75

    Esercito svizzero

    Swiss army prepares for euro unrest Swiss army prepares for euro unrest
  2. Segnalo questo paper del Congresso USA U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel
  3. EU will lose Turkey if it hasn't joined by 2023: Erdogan In Turkey, a Break From the Past Plays Out in the Streets
  4. Andrea75

    Israele - Iran

    Segnalo questa iniziativa UE EU Non-Proliferation Consortium ed un paper di commento L’Unione europea e la creazione di una zona libera da armi di distruzione di massa in Medio Oriente .... inoltre L’Iran provoca Israele e arriva in Sudan con due navi da guerra ... e Iran pulls back from nuclear bomb goal: Israeli defense minister Israeli Defense Chief Says Iran Postponed Nuclear Ambitions
  5. segnalo FIRST FLIGHT OF THE BELGIAN NH90 ed un articolo NH90: Europe’s Medium Helicopter Contender
  6. Ancora sull'adesione polacca al programma AGS: il comunicato ufficiale del Ministero della Difesa polacco Poland in AGS system ed un articolo di commento AGS: NATO’s Battlefield Eye in the Sky [Alliance Ground Surveillance] la lista aggiornata dei paesi partecipanti
  7. acnche se il matrimonio è sfumato il lo segnalo ugualmente The impact on UK Defence of the proposed merger of BAE Systems and EADS
  8. The Referendum on Separation for Scotland: Terminating Trident -- Days or Decades? Scottish Affairs publishes Report into the implications of terminating Trident
  9. Selex Galileo Wins Contract to Supply Janus Naval Electro-Optic Turrets to the Armed Forces of Malta
  10. Andrea75

    Marina Cinese

    China Releases Photo of Naval UAV In all probability, this is a training device used for basic familiarization purposes
  11. New Dutch Government Upsets Fighter Plans
  12. Nord Somalia: Incontro di Eunavfor con rappresentanti locali
  13. A bordo della portaerei Enterprise nella sua ultima crociera operativa
  14. Andrea75


    alcuni articoli un pò datati The Coup in Mali Is Only the Beginning Missing in Africa
  15. ... altri articoli (un pò datati), ma che non erano ancora stati segnalati Qaddafi's Spawn Libya and the Obama Doctrine
  16. Andrea75


    Tokyo's Missing Muscle
  17. Chinese General Promoted to Lead Missile Corps Leadership Transitions in the Second Artillery Force at the 18th Party Congress: Implications for Roles and Missions
  18. Il Pivot to Asia "all'australiana" Gillard: Australia must embrace 'Asian Century' inoltre segnalo questo articolo (in realtà si tratta del commento ad un libro). Penso sia interessante per il concetto che viene espresso Time to Start Thinking: America in the Age of Descent
  19. Navy replaces admiral of Mideast strike group; allegations of inappropriate judgment cited
  20. Man in Afghan police uniform kills 2 NATO troops in southern Afghanistan
  21. The ‘Lucifer effect’ theory of Chinese governance
  22. Andrea75

    Israele - Iran

    Why would Israel bomb Sudan? Theories cite Iran, Hamas, even the U.S. Sudan denies Iranian involvement in arms factory hit by explosion in Khartoum inoltre segnalo Why Israel Should Trade Its Nukes Iran and the Bomb Iranian warships dock in Sudan in show of support
  23. Iraq Ratifies Additional Protocol
  24. Segnalo il rapporto UE su TURKEY 2012 PROGRESS REPORT e questo articolo La Turchia festeggia la Repubblica ma non risolve il mistero Ergenekon Turkey Is No Partner for Peace
  25. Andrea75

    Israele - Iran

    Why Iiran wants to attack the United States
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