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CRISI FINANZIARIA 2008 - Topic Ufficiale -
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a Leviathan nella discussione Discussioni a tema
Qualcuno ha visto Anno Zero? Any news? -
Levi il collegamento è saltato. Invece prova a cercare un comunicato che l'ambasciatore Georgiano ha fatto al nostro Premier aproposito di questo... Sempre dalla Repubblica GEORGIA: AMB. A BERLUSCONI, NON ABBIAMO INIZIATO GUERRA Dura replica dell'ambasciata georgiana a Roma alle dichiarazioni di Silvio Berlusconi sulla guerra in Ossezia del Sud a Abkhazia. "I georgiani, la maggior parte delle organizzazioni internazionali e importanti figure dell'arena politica mondiale, sanno molto bene chi ha dato inizio al conflitto", si sostiene in una nota diffusa dalla sede di rappresentanza "in risposta" alle frasi pronunciate dela presidente del Consiglio alla Festa del Pdl "riguardanti le azioni di Putin in Georgia". Alla festa del Pdl di domenica scorsa il premier aveva definito "logica e giusta" la "reazione di Putin" nella crisi caucasica. "Putin", aveva sostenuto, "si e' trovato in una situazione drammatica, di sangue e ha deciso di procedere contro Tbilisi, contro un presidente che si e' macchiato di questi fatti di sangue".
Ciao, benvenuto! Ti auguro buona permanenza. Welcome Onboard.
follia pura complottismo sullo tsnumai del 2006 in Asia
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a paolord nella discussione Discussioni a tema
Un pazzo... -
Falcon (executive-jet prodotto dalla Dassault) ungherese costretto ad atterrare in base aerea Iraniana
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a Dominus nella discussione News Aviazione
TEHRAN: Iranian fighter jets have forced an aircraft carrying US troops to land in Iran after it entered its air space without permission, the Fars news agency said on Tuesday. "The plane had five soldiers and three civilians on board who were subjected to questioning," Fars said. "After a day's interrogation, it emerged that the aircraft did not enter Iran intentionally and it was allowed to leave for Afghanistan." State television said that the aircraft carrying the soldiers was a non-American civilian plane. "This plane was not a military plane and did not belong to the United States," an unnamed official was quoted as saying by the website of the television's Arabic-language Al-Alam channel. "But a few US military soldiers were in the plane," the official added. The plane was forced to land in Iran on Sunday and allowed to fly to Afghanistan on Monday, the website added. A spokeswoman for the US Fifth Fleet Lieutenant Stephanie Murdock told AFP by telephone from its base in Bahrain she had "no information right now" about the Iranian reports. A Pentagon spokesman said none of its aircraft were missing. In April 2007, Iran released 15 British sailors and marines whom it detained for almost two weeks saying their vessels had strayed into its waters on the maritime border with Iraq. DefenceTalk -
Se ti sbrighi forse fai in tempo a corrergli dietro! Scusa, battutaccia..
Anche il culetto di Tanzi, Cragnotti e Geronzi è salvo?
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a typhoon nella discussione Discussioni a tema
Ecco che gia mi fanno pentire di aver scritto che Alitalia si doveva salvare. -
E' potente l'ignoranza dei giornali, che scrivono dei napoletani che hanno avuto paura che il vulcano si fosse risvegliato sentento i bang, invece di scrivere che lo scramble ha funzionato a puntino. E noi paghiamo quei giornali...
La guerra in Vietnam ha visto lo svolgersi di una politica statiunitense volta ad arginare l'influenza del comunismo nella regione. Vedila come vuoi, ma quegli americani sono morti anche per questo.
riforma della contrattazione
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a Leviathan nella discussione Discussioni a tema
Magari non tutti sono ben informati; qual'è la situazione? -
Non fa esageratamente ridere, ma è ironico: A Fighter Pilot's Thoughts... 1. As an aviator in flight you can do anything you want, as long as it's right! And, we'll let you know if it's right after you get down. 2. You can't fly forever without getting killed. 3. As a fighter pilot only two bad things can happen to you and one of them will: a. One day you will walk out to the aircraft knowing that it is your last flight in a fighter. b. One day you will walk out to the airplane NOT knowing that it is your last flight in a fighter. 4. Success is being able to walk to your Flying Evaluation Board. 5. There are Rules and there are Laws. The rules are made by men who think that they know better how to fly your airplane than you. The Laws (of Physics) were made by God. You can, and sometimes should, suspend the rules but you can never suspend the Laws. 6. More about Rules: a. The rules are a good place to hide if you don't have a better idea and the talent to execute it. b. If you deviate from a rule, it must be a flawless performance. (e.g.: If you fly under a bridge, don't hit the bridge.) 7. The fighter pilot is the highest form of life on earth. 8. The ideal fighter pilot is the perfect blend of discipline and aggressiveness. 9. About check rides: a. Having someone climb into your fighter to grade how you fly is just like having someone come into your bedroom to grade you. b. The only real objective of a check ride is to complete it and get the character out of your airplane. c. It has never occurred to any flight examiner that the examinee could care less what the examiners opinion of his flying ability really is. 10. The medical profession is the natural enemy of the aviation profession. 11. The job of the Wing Commander is to worry incessantly that his career depends solely on the abilities of his aviators to fly their airplanes without mishap and that their only minuscule contribution to the effort is to bet their lives on it. 12. Ever notice that the only experts who decree that the age of the pilot is over are people who have never flown anything? Also, in spite of the intensity of their feelings that the pilot's day is over I know of no such expert who has volunteered to be a passenger in a non-piloted aircraft. 13. It is absolutely imperative that the fighter pilot be unpredictable. Rebelliousness is very predictable. In the end, conforming almost all the time is the best way to be unpredictable. 14. He who demands everything that his aircraft can give him is a pilot; he that demands one iota more is a fool. 15. If you're gonna fly low, do not fly slow! 16. It is solely the pilot's responsibility to never let any other thing touch his aircraft. 17. If you can learn how to fly as a Lt and not forget how to fly by the time you're a Lt Col you will have lived a happy life. 18. About night flying: a. Remember that the airplane doesn't know that it's dark. b. On a clear, moonless night, never fly between the tanker's lights. c. There are certain aircraft sounds that can only be heard at night. d. If you're going to night fly, it might as well be in the weather so you can double count your exposure to both hazards. e. Night formation is really an endless series of near misses in equilibrium with each other. f. You would have to pay a lot of money at a lot of amusement parks and perhaps add a few drugs, to get the same blend of psychedelic sensations as a single night weather flight on the wing. 19. One of the most important skills that a pilot must develop is the skill to ignore those things that were designed by non-pilots to get the pilot's attention. 20. At the end of the day, the controllers, ops supervisors, maintenance guys, weather guessers, and birds; they're all trying to kill you and your job is to not let them! 21. The concept of "controlling" airspace with radar is just a form of FAA sarcasm directed at the fighter pilot to see if he's gullible enough to swallow it. Or to put it another way, when is the last time the FAA ever shot anyone down? 22. Remember that the radio is only an electronic suggestion box for the fighter pilot. Sometimes the only way to clear up a problem is to turn it off. 23. It is a tacit, yet profound admission of the pre-eminence of flying in the hierarchy of the human spirit, that those who seek to control aviators via threats always threaten to take one's WINGS and not one's life. 24. Remember when flying low and inverted that the rudder still works the same old way but hopefully your IP never taught you "pull stick back, plane go up". 25. Mastering the prohibited maneuvers in the dash-1 is one of the best forms of aviation life insurance you can get. 26. A tactic done twice is a procedure. (Refer to unpredictability discussion above) 27. The aircraft G-limits are only there in case there is another flight by that particular airplane. If subsequent flights do not appear likely, there are no G-limits. 28. One of the beautiful things about a single piloted aircraft is the quality of the social experience. 29. If a mother has the slightest suspicion that her infant might grow up to be a pilot she had better teach him to put things back where he got them. 30. The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish.
Volere è potere.
Alenia C-27J Spartan
-{-Legolas-}- ha risposto a ale92 nella discussione Aerei da Trasporto, AWACS e Aerocisterne
Io avevo letto su una rivista che c'è in corso d'implementazione il sistema di presentazione dei dati di volo nel casco del pilota, sono alla prima fase in cui i piloti valutano le migliorie da apportare al sistema. Questo consentirà di rintracciare i target guardando fuori, ma senza perdere la consapevolezza dell'assetto di volo. -
Grazie Blue... E Fabio l'aveva spiegato come fare salire in fretta il rank del sito... non mi ricordo se bisogna cliccarci sopra...bù?
Io più che sulle connessioni contemporanee, mi concentrerei sulla frequenza dell'utenza del forum. Nella Home ci sono 5 icone che sono collegate a dei siti che raccolgono i forum di aviazione più frequentati, io sarei per far salire il rank del nostro sito in quei portali; Fabio aveva spiegato come si faceva....
Io t'incoraggerei ad aprire un topic, poi se va va... guarda un pò "Nose Art" che son mesi che va!
Lo Spettacolare Blue Sky!
Proprio belle, quel Viper nero e giallo è una forza! Complimenti! Dominus fatti spazio sulla scrivania per un tapiro d'oro!
Quoto Peppe, che la discussione rimanga in termini rispettosi per favore.
Sarà affascinante vederlo volare. Cosa volete di più... un tucano? Link 1 Link 2 Comunque oltre a cercare sniper e guerriglieri, potrebbe anche essere utile per la ricerca e soccorso, io mi chiedo perchè la Protezione Civile non impieghi gia gli UAV...
Concordo con Takumi, ce ne fossero di più così.
Ecco, giusto per precisazione. Poi sarà partito anche senza piano di volo... si presume fosse esperto... che sfiga.
Si sa qualcosa delle condi meteo quel giorno? Non è che per caso volasse in IMC e s'è infilato in una nube?
http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/20...f_steve_fo.html Accidenti che sfortuna per Steve.