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  1. In Cina, hanno costruito la gru più grande al mondo A company in north China's Shanxi Province has invented a crane with an elevating capacity of 6,400 tonnes, the world's largest. In a statement released on Thursday, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd. said the crane, which itself weighs over 3,000 tonnes, could lift 6,400 tonnes of goods to a height of 120 meters. The breakthrough marked the dawn of a new revolution for the largest cranes, it said. Currently, the world's largest cranes can only elevate up to 1,200 tonnes of goods. The crane also can be dismantled into two parts, which can work separately and lift as many as 3,200 tonnes of goods respectively, the company said in the statement. Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Co., established in 1950, was the first heavy machinery manufacturer designed and built by the New China, or the People's Republic of China. In recent years, its products have been exported to many countries and regions worldwide, including North America, South America, Australia, South Africa, Russia, West Europe, Southeast Asia and India.
  2. Si intende primo al mondo con quelle caratteristiche e con quelle dimensioni.
  3. Hypersonic flight condition reappeared in JF12 shock tunnel The JF12 wind tunnel project, kicked off in January 2008, is one of the eight major scientific research equip-ment projects under the joint support of Ministry of Finance and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It takes four years form concept development to design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, performance test and field test. As a major initiative to implement the Outline of the Mid-and-Long-term Plan for National Scientific and Technological Development (2006-2020), this move aims to explore the approaches to develop ad-vanced scientific instruments though independent innova-tion, so as to effectively change the over-reliance on im-port and imitation in this field. In response to the needs of major national scientific and technological programs and basic research in different disciplines, the task force suc-cessfully develops an advanced super-large supersonic shock tunnel which uses CAS reverse detonation driven methods and a series of innovative shock tunnel technol-ogies. This wind tunnel is the worlds first to reproduce the flight conditions of the 25-40 km high sky and allows for the testing of jets breathing clean air with a Mash number of 5-9 and a nozzle exit diameter of 2.5/1.5m for more than 100 milliseconds. This wind tunnel is able to achieve the hypersonic flight condition on the ground and it provides an irreplaceable test means for critical tech-nological breakthroughs in major programs and the basic research about high-temperature gas dynamic Un altro video :
  4. Hypersonic flight condition reappeared in JF12 shock tunnel The JF12 wind tunnel project, kicked off in January 2008, is one of the eight major scientific research equip-ment projects under the joint support of Ministry of Finance and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It takes four years form concept development to design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, performance test and field test. As a major initiative to implement the Outline of the Mid-and-Long-term Plan for National Scientific and Technological Development (2006-2020), this move aims to explore the approaches to develop ad-vanced scientific instruments though independent innova-tion, so as to effectively change the over-reliance on im-port and imitation in this field. In response to the needs of major national scientific and technological programs and basic research in different disciplines, the task force suc-cessfully develops an advanced super-large supersonic shock tunnel which uses CAS reverse detonation driven methods and a series of innovative shock tunnel technol-ogies. This wind tunnel is the worlds first to reproduce the flight conditions of the 25-40 km high sky and allows for the testing of jets breathing clean air with a Mash number of 5-9 and a nozzle exit diameter of 2.5/1.5m for more than 100 milliseconds. This wind tunnel is able to achieve the hypersonic flight condition on the ground and it provides an irreplaceable test means for critical tech-nological breakthroughs in major programs and the basic research about high-temperature gas dynamic Un altro video :
  5. Si chiama JF-12, ed è la prima galleria del vento ipersonico capace di raggiungere velocità fino a Mach 9. Pochi giorni fà è stato reso pubblico ai giornalisti. Quasi sicuramente servirà per ricerche a scopo militare, tipo testare missili anti-nave ipersonici. Qui sotto c'è un video che ne parla
  6. Si chiama JF-12, ed è la prima galleria del vento ipersonico capace di raggiungere velocità fino a Mach 9. Pochi giorni fà è stato reso pubblico ai giornalisti. Quasi sicuramente servirà per ricerche a scopo militare, tipo testare missili anti-nave ipersonici. Qui sotto c'è un video che ne parla
  7. Lanciata la ferrovia Cina - Germania
  8. cloyce

    Marina Cinese

    C'è anche questa foto quà. Il "buco" in mezzo dovrebbe essere l'hangar. Mentre sulla sinistra lo spazio che c'è fra le 2 sezioni dovrebbe essere il posto dove verrà installato l'elevatore
  9. Quali motori? And by the way, non ci hai ancora detto in che zona della Cina vivi.
  10. China-made advanced machine tool exported to Germany An advanced computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool was shipped to Germany from northeast China's port city of Dalian on Wednesday in the country's first export of cutting-edge equipment to a developed economy. The high-speed five-axis vertical machining center, which consists of a numerical control system, a servo drive and an electric motor manufactured by Dalian Kede Numerical Control Co. Ltd, will be transported to Knuth Werkzeugmaschinen Gmbh, a leading global machine tools supplier based in Germany. Wang Weiming, deputy director of the equipment department with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, hailed the shipment as "an important milestone for the Chinese machine tools manufacturing industry." Wang's remarks came at a shipment ceremony at the company's 15,000-square-meter underground manufacturing workshop, the largest of its kind in the world. "We broke the technology monopoly of Western countries and processing efficiency has at least doubled from similar imported machine tools," said Yang Jiping, a researcher with the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. The company used to rely on imported machine tools to manufacture core components of space equipment for China's space mission. The technological performance and processing efficiency of the CNC machine tool shipped on Wednesday is world-class, while the price is much lower than similar products in the West, according to Yu Dehai, chairman of Dalian Guangyang Science and Technology Engineering Co. Ltd, the parent company of Dalian Kede Numerical Control Co. Ltd. A Japanese company also ordered three such machine tools, Yu added.
  11. Le 3 principali economie dell'asia orientale parlano di FTA (Free Trade Agreement). Three-way East Asian FTA talks begin The second round of negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) among China, Japan and South Korea kicked off Tuesday in Shanghai, aiming to forge a three-way free trade area. The four-day talks will cover cargo and service trade, rules on the origin of goods, customs procedures, trade remedies, intellectual property rights and e-commerce, said Yu Jianhua, a representative for China's international trade negotiation. The Japan-based Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported Tuesday that the talks will focus on lowering customs duties in an effort to expand trilateral trade and stimulate the economy in the future free trade area. "The trade among China, Japan and South Korea has become more tightly connected and the three countries are key economic and trade partners for each other," said Yu, adding that the economic scale of the group ranks third worldwide, only after the European Union and North America. Once the FTA is signed, a huge market with a population of over 1.5 billion people will be created, said Yu. In 2012, the three countries' combined gross domestic product totaled $15 trillion, accounting for about 20 percent of the world's total and 70 percent of Asia's total. "Establishing this three-way free trade area reflects all parties' interests," said Yasumasa Nagamine, vice-minister for Japanese foreign affairs, adding that the Japanese government is willing to actively promote the FTA negotiations. Last year, bilateral trade between China and Japan hit $329.4 billion, while China-South Korea trade reached $256.3 billion. The inaugural meeting among the three nations was held in the South Korean capital Seoul in March, as the South is seeking to sign separate FTAs with China and Japan. As well as participating in the talks with China and South Korea, Japan is joining talks over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, aiming to establish a similar FTA around the Pacific Rim. "It is hard for the three to achieve significant progress," Cai Jian, deputy director of the Center for Korean Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times. "The free trade area was advocated by leaders of the three countries. China and South Korea have been active in the proposal, but Japan's talks with China and South Korea were shelved following rows over political and historical issues," said Cai, adding that the three-way talks for the area have not gone very well. Cai said that forming FTAs is a global trend and if the three end up signing the agreement, it will greatly benefit them all, adding that political disputes among the three nations would also be eliminated gradually as East Asia grew increasingly close-knit.
  12. Più precisamente, in quale parte della Cina vivi? So che ci sono delle differenze da zona a zona.
  13. Oggi si è conclusa la 54ª olimpiade internazionale della matematica, tenuta a Santa Monica, Colombia. La Cina è arrivata di nuovo al primo posto dopo che si è fatta detronizzare dalla Korea del sud nel 2012. Ecco i top ten 1. China 2. South Korea 3. United States of America 4. Russia 5. North Korea 6. Singapore 7. Vietnam 8. Taiwan 9. United Kingdom 10. Iran
  14. Per chi se lo fosse perso... il 1 Luglio scorso hanno apperto a Chengdu il New Century Global Centre, l'edificio più grande al mondo. Qui sotto, un video di cui vale la pena vedere:
  15. Esiste una città chiamata Chongqing situata nella Cina profonda che cresce del 14% annualmente e la cui popolazione aumenta di 400.000-500.000 ogni anno. Le città della costa orientale, anche se hanno un pil procapite un'pochettino più alto, hanno una crescita più lenta. Qui c'è un interessante articolo di Forbes sulla crescita cinese : Inoltre sulle infrastruture : "根据 《国家高速公路网规划》,中国高速公路仍在快速建设中。到 2020年,中国高速公路网将要达到 8.2 万公里,可以覆盖10多亿人口,接近高速公路世界第一的美国 8.8万公里的规模,将为中华民族实现伟大复兴打下坚实的腾飞跑道。" In pratica dice che per il 2020 la Cina sarà dotata di 82000km di autostrade avvicinandosi alle 88000km degli USA. Dieci anni fà le autostrade che collegano Shanghai con le città limitrofe erano sempre mezze vuote e c'è chi si domandava se era valsa la pena di costruirle. Oggi invece sono intasate tutti i giorni.
  16. Un pezzo forgiato e fresato ha caratteristiche superiori un pezzo pressofuso / stampato a iniezione. Ma cui si parla di stampaggio 3D fatto con il laser che sintetizza il materiale strato dopo strato partendo dal metallo in polvere. Nel seguente video, viene mostrato la fase di sintetizzazione laser al minuto 0:50. Dice che hanno impiegato 4 anni per sviluppare questa tecnologia per produrre i componenti aeronautici. Inoltre dice la Cina è finora l'unico paese ad aver perfezionato la tecnologia della sintetizzazione laser di grossi componenti aeronautici in lega di titanio.
  17. Dipende, per lotti piccoli, lo stampaggio 3D è sicuramente più conveniente.
  18. Forse hai capito male, per 90% del materiale non intendono alleggerire il componente del 90%. Nel componente che vedi in foto ad esempio, con i metodi tradizionale devi fare un blocco pieno per poi scavarlo, "sprecando" tantissimo materiale in truccioli. Se invece lo stampi con una stampante 3D, puoi ottennere il componente che vuoi partendo dal metallo in polvere senza "sprecare" materiale. Con certi componenti che presentano un enorme qualtità di vuoti salvare il 90% del materiale è possibile. Il F-35 pur essendo moderno non utilizza lo stampaggio 3D. Mentre il J-20 si, questo perchè i cinesi sono stati i primi a perfezionare questa tecnologia per lo stampaggio 3D in lega di titanio.
  19. Hanno fatto un videogioco in cui c'è una missione dove si deve combattere i giapponesi sulle isole Diaoyu/Senkaku!
  20. China shows off world largest 3D printed titanium fighter component AVIC Laser displayed, for the first time, a large 3D printed titanium part for J-20 or J-31 stealth fighter. According to AVIC Laser, their 3D Laser Direct Manufacturing technology has been used in producing 7 kinds of aircraft, including Y-20 Strategic Airlifter, J-15 carrier-borne fighter, C919 airliner and next generation stealth fighters. The J-15's chief designer confirmed in March that printable components are being used "in major load-bearing parts, including the [J-15's] front landing gear." ..... Compared with conventional processes, this technology could save up to 90% of materials and costs. And if the forged titanium parts on an American F-22 were made using the Chinese 3D printing technology, around 40 percent of the weight can be reduced. Qui sotto c'è un articolo di Xinhua in cui afferma che i caccia cinesi sono i primi ad utilizzare questa tecnologia.
  21. China shows off world largest 3D printed titanium fighter component AVIC Laser displayed, for the first time, a large 3D printed titanium part for J-20 or J-31 stealth fighter. According to AVIC Laser, their 3D Laser Direct Manufacturing technology has been used in producing 7 kinds of aircraft, including Y-20 Strategic Airlifter, J-15 carrier-borne fighter, C919 airliner and next generation stealth fighters. The J-15's chief designer confirmed in March that printable components are being used "in major load-bearing parts, including the [J-15's] front landing gear." ..... Compared with conventional processes, this technology could save up to 90% of materials and costs. And if the forged titanium parts on an American F-22 were made using the Chinese 3D printing technology, around 40 percent of the weight can be reduced. Qui sotto c'è un articolo di Xinhua in cui afferma che i caccia cinesi sono i primi ad utilizzare questa tecnologia.
  22. Cina, prima pietra per «Città celeste» il grattacielo più alto del mondo. Sarà pronto in un anno
  23. Secondo me, i cinesi non potranno rispondere con qualsiasi mezzo, il giappone è sotto l'ombrello atomico USA. Quindi un attacco nucleare per sterminare la popolazione giapponese è fuori discussione. Il Giappone è uno stato con una politica estera piuttosto pacifista imposta dalla costituzione post guerra, difficilmente la vedremmo in una guerra contro la Cina, a meno che sia la Cina ad attaccare per primo. Comunque, allo stato attuale, in un ipotetico conflitto convenzionale se la giocherebbero alla pari. In quanto alla capacità di proiezione della forza, nessuna delle due parti è messa bene. Il Giappone ha solo 4 aviocisterne KC767J, la Cina ne ha un'pò di più anche se meno moderne. Un vantaggio cinese potrebbero essere i bombardieri H-6M/H6K dotati di missili a crociera CJ-10K (2500km di gittata) capaci attaccare le basi giapponesi da una distanza maggiore del combat radius dei caccia giapponesi.
  24. L'acquisto di S-400 e Su-35 sono solo rumors, non c'è niente di confermato.
  25. cloyce

    Marina Cinese

    2 video sul J-15
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