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Blue Sky

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  • Giorni Vinti


Tutti i contenuti di Blue Sky

  1. Regia Guardia di Finanza Tenente in grande uniforme
  2. This is the subdued version of the squadron patch for the 79th Fighter Squadron stationed at Shaw AFB, SC.
  3. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    Doppione! SAD SACK
  4. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Kamov-Skrzhinski KASKR-2 1930
  5. Blue Sky


    Buone nuove dalla Vorthex SPA & C. dopo il collegamento serale siamo riusciti ad avere le foto del proseguo dei lavori, sono realizzate con la web, a domani i contributi in digitale!
  6. Ci mancherebbe..... Scherzi a parte vedo che procede spedito, quindi a breve avremo un'altro modello da concorso, per la fine dello stesso mi impegno a trovargli uno sfondo a costo di andare a fotografare una base militare per l'occasione!
  7. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

  8. This is the color version of the new Friday patch for the 389th FS Mountain Home AFB. They went back to their WW II/Viet Nam design. It is for wear on Fridays.
  9. Regia Guardia di Finanza Brigadiere in uniforme ordinaria invernale
  10. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Gluhareff MEG-2X 1960 Eugene Gluhareff established a development company in 1952 to carry out research into pressure-jet powered light helicopters. He built the MEG-1X personal strap-on helicopter rig which used a single-blade rotor with a tip-mounted G8-2 engine and followed this with the MEG-2X which had a two-blade rotor. His final design was the MEG-3X which was based on a dish-shaped platform on which the pilot would stand and a two-blade rotor revolving underneath the platform. No commercial development was undertaken.
  11. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Gluhareff MEG-1X 1956 Eugene Gluhareff established a development company in 1952 to carry out research into pressure-jet powered light helicopters. He built the MEG-1X personal strap-on helicopter rig which used a single-blade rotor with a tip-mounted G8-2 engine and followed this with the MEG-2X which had a two-blade rotor. His final design was the MEG-3X which was based on a dish-shaped platform on which the pilot would stand and a two-blade rotor revolving underneath the platform. No commercial development was undertaken.
  12. Regia Guardia di Finanza Capitano in grande uniforme
  13. Blue Sky


    Topic interessante, peccato per gli errori ortografici nelle immagini (Sei da biasimare, vedendo la tua provenienza ), un'informazione, che programma usi per la creazione delle didascalie? P.s. La Parola Quadrimotori, in cileno si scrive Cuadrimotores???
  14. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Kellett KH-15 "Stable Mable" 1954 This variable stability helicopter was a flying test-bed developed with the Office of Naval Research as sponsor to study the behaviour of a small helicopter in which the significant parameters of the rotor could be altered.
  15. Regia Guardia di Finanza Maresciallo in uniforme ordinaria
  16. This is the desert version of the aircraft patch for the 175th Fighter Squadron "Lobos" that flies the F-16 for the SD Air National Guard.
  17. This is the desert version of the current squadron patch for the 124th Fighter Squadron that flies the F-16 for the IA Air National Guard out of Des Moines, IA.
  18. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Non è tanto male! Allora dimmi come hanno potuto pensare di montare i motori in QUESTO modo! Filper Beta 200 1966 Under the direction of William Orr, Filper Research designed a novel helicopter using the 'Gyroflex Rotor', which employed special balance weights fitted to the roots of the rotor blades instead of conventional flapping or lead-lag hinges, or other hub stability devices. This concept was tested on the Filper Helicopter (N9712C) which had fore and aft rotor pylons and the pilot sitting astride a central beam which also carried the engine. The commercial development, however, was the Filper Beta 100A. This was a tandem rotor machine with a two-seat cabin and pylon at the rear, and the engine with the forward pylon in front. This curious arranagment resulted in the pilot being unusually far from the front of the helicopter. The Beta 200 prototype (N5000F) was first flown on 26 May 1966. Filper planned several versions of the Beta with either two seats (Model 200A and 300) or four seats (Model 400A and 600A). The four-seat models had a fuselage which was stretched by 36-inches and the first Beta 400A (N5003F) was flown on 13 July 1967. The Beta models had various powerplants - namely the 210hp Continental IO-360-E (Model 200A), Allison 250-C18 turbine (Model 300) and 250hp Continental IO-520 (400A). Details of the Model 600A are unknown. Registration records show that 32 Betas were completed, comprising two Model 100As, 29 Model 400As and one Model 600A, but there is some doubt as to whether all of these were completed. It is believed the company ceased operations in 1969.
  19. Si in effetti è una livrea molto accattivante, tra l'altro è quella che aveva scelto Flank all'inizio del topic, ora non so se è rimasto della stessa idea!
  20. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Convertawings Model A 1956 Convertawings has revived the concept tried out in 1922 in France by Oemichen, lift for whose helicopter was provided by four rotors, and by G. de Bothezat in the United States, with a double side-by-side arrangement of four rotors embodied in the first helicopter ordered by the United States Army, which flew in 1923.
  21. Blue Sky


    Anche se vecchio il topic, volevo aggiungere un video interessante! Stipa-Caproni Flying Barrel (take-off footage only)
  22. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Già postato da me! L'uno dei tanti prototipi è il: EWR Sùd VJ 1O1C: 10 aprile 1963 La Bòlkow, la Heinket e la Messerschmitt si unirono nel 1958 per produrre un intercettore VTOL da Mach 2 La Heinkel usci dal gruppo progettativo, lasciando le altre due a continuare lo sviluppo del progetto come Entwicklungsring Sùd GmbH. L’aereo risultante fu il VJ-101C potenziato da sei motori Rolls-Royce RB 145. Due erano installati nella parte anteriore della fusoliera ai soli fini portanti, mentre gli altri quattro erano installati in gondole alari basculanti per il volo sia verticale sia orizzontale. Il primo prototipo del VJ101C, che volò il 10 aprile 1963, raggiunse parecchie volle velocità supersoniche prima di andare perduto in un incidente nel settembre 1964. Il secondo prototipo aveva motori con postbruciatori nelle gondole alari e volò solo per alcuni mesi nel 1965.
  23. Qualche immagine della procedura!
  24. Regia Guardia di Finanza Guardia in uniforme ordinaria con cappotto
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