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Blue Sky

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  1. Blue Sky

    WIP 1/48 A-10A

    Grazie per la spiegazione, toglimi un'altra curiosità, ma con una ventola del pc ed un cartone hai fatto un Forno Per Verniciare in miniatura??? GRANDIOSO!
  2. Sottotenente in uniforme da montagna
  3. This is the "Racers" version of the 113th Fighter Squadron that fly the F-16C Viper for the Indiana Air National Guard.
  4. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    PATTY JO ---- B-17G----- 42-31242 388th Bomb Group / 563rd Bomb Squadron
  5. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Hoppicopter Strap-On 1945 This company was formed in December 1945 to develop the idea of an ultra-light individual helicopter conceived by Horace Pentecost, who had designed an aircraft of this type and held full rights in it. The earliest prototype was a portable helicopter, which was attached to the flier's back by straps and harness, and which had no landing gear. The second model on the same general lines was also fitted with a motor-cycle saddle acting as the pilot's seat, and a tubular tripod assembly with three wheels as landing gear. It was this version which was developed further. The British Ministry of Supply, incidentally, showed interest in aircraft of this kind and two Hoppicopter models were sent to the United Kingdom, for testing. A new type of helicopter, powered by small pulse-jet engines at the blade tips, was also developed by Horace Pentecost, who had mean-while become President of the Capital Helicopter Corporation, founded in 1954, on leaving the Hoppicopter concern and retaining his rights in his inventions. Hoppicopter "Strap-On" This ultra-light individual helicopter had two co-axial contra-rotating two-bladed rotors powered by a small two-stroke horizon-tally opposed engine developing about 20 h.p. The body consisted of a tubular metal frame curved to fit over the pilot's shoulders and attached to the body by harness of the type employed in parachutes; the pilot's legs were used for landing. Some twenty hops were made with the use of safety cables attached to the pilot, but this strap-on helicopter ended its career at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Hoppycopter
  6. Regia Guardia di Finanza Marinaio indigeno di finanza in uniforme ordinaria invernale Marinaio indigeno di finanza in uniforme ordinaria estiva
  7. This is the subdued version of the C.D. 1-171st Aviation patch. It states "SHADOW" on the center and "FLORIDA" along the bottom. This is the detachment patch created for the 1/717th Medical Company (AA). It shows that they are from Reno, NV and states "WOLFPACK" along the bottom. This is the subdued version of the 2-25th AVN Assault Regiment patch. It states "Lightning Assault" and "B Co. Nighthawks" along the bottom. This is the OIF Det patch for the 229th Aviation Attack Helicopter Regiment.
  8. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    The LATEST RUMOR ---- B-17G---- 42-97126 100th Bomb Group 351st Bomb Squadron
  9. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Hiller J-5 1946 To counteract torque this two-bladed-rotor experimental helicopter used not a conventional tail rotor but a jet thrust system. The latter consisted of a fan blower placed just behind the engine with a 'stove pipe' tail forward. Air was thus forced under pressure through the hollow fuselage into a tail orifice where vanes directed the jet thrust laterally. Main rotor torque was effectively overcome, but this torque compensation system's power requirements proved markedly excessive at speeds greater than 64km/h. (Aviastar)
  10. Fantastico Alex, hai realizzato un capolavoro (Il 109 è di per se stupendo), penso proprio che ci saranno dei nuovi assi nella Jasta Barone!
  11. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    HAG MAG the Mothball Queen --- B-24D-90-CO --- 42-40731 Also known as EAGER EVE (right side) 44th Bomb Group / 68th Bomb Squadron
  12. Capitano in uniforme ordinaria con impermeabile
  13. This is the desert version of the CSAR patch for the 510th Fighter Squadron that flies the Viper out of Aviano Air Base, Italy. It depicts that they are an essential part of the Combat Search and Rescue role.
  14. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Kharkov Aviation Institute KhAI-27 "Kharkovchanin" 1970
  15. Certo, mi farebbe molto piacere, una di queste sere facciamo un voletto tutti insieme! Non tentarmi Skettles! :asd:
  16. Infatti si trova nel Topic sull'FW 190 Mmmmm la definizione non è del tutto corretta, del "Panzerblitz" si ebbero le seguenti versioni, illustrate nel seguente link! Aircraft Rockets of World War II
  17. Ehm.... Ragazzi, non tutti potete conoscere Red, diciamo che online, la sua fama decolla prima del suo aereo, praticamente è una leggenda, uno dei pochi superstiti del forum UBI! P.S. A proposito ti ricordi Red quando Kometonski ti tranciò in due con il suo “Kanonenvogel" :asd:
  18. Penso che chi è interessato all'argomento, dovrebbe dare un'occhiata al seguente link ed al relativo sito connesso! Aerial Refueling Buddy Buddy Store
  19. Blue Sky

    L'elicotterone MH-53E

    Vediamo cosa possiamo fare!!! Italeri's 1/72 scale MH-53E Sea Dragon by Jeffrey Brundt Il Seguente Walkaround è della stessa versione del tuo modello! MH-53E Sea Dragon Walk Around
  20. This desert patch is says, "We Kill Bad People And Break Their Shit" --- True. This patch comes with velcro already attached.
  21. Sottobrigadiere in uniforme di campagna per altopiano
  22. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    BECOMING BACK ---- B-24J---- 44-10575 453rd Bomb Group / 735th Bomb Squadron
  23. Blue Sky

    aerei curiosi

    Matra-Cantinieau MC.100 1951
  24. Blue Sky

    FW 190A-8/R2

    Certamente il mio giudizio tecnico non può essere comparato al tuo Star, ma per quanto mi riguarda, vedo ben intonata la colorazione delle ruote allo stato d'usura generale del modello, poi ovviamente ognuno ha il suo punto di vista!
  25. Blue Sky

    Mig 21 PF 1/72 Bilek+pavla

    Meno male Barons... Iniziavano a mancarmi i dettagli di livello 1/48 applicati alla scala 1/72, il quadro comandi è eccezionale... Come sempre!
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