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Blue Sky

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  1. Blue Sky


    Su questo do ragione a Kit, anche perchè da un modello nuovo, puoi ricavarne risultati sicuramente superiori ad un'eventuale restauro, per le ovvie difficoltà legate al caso, quindi se puoi fanne un'altro!
  2. Video molto interessante, se non erro ne fu fatto un topic in passato, con molti utenti che deridevano il pilota, io penso che un problema tecnico possa sempre capitare, quindi non c'è nulla da recriminare!
  3. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    Carden-Loyd Mark I, Mark I* (Star) One Man Tankette This was simply the next version to come from Carden-Loyd. The Mark I* was an attempt to increase speed and track life.
  4. Blue Sky


    Certo, ricordo, me ne avevi accennato tempo fa, anche per me ne vale la pena; l'F-111 è un aereo che rende molto visivamente, anche per la sua livrea molto accattivante !
  5. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    Task Force NOSE ART
  6. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    Carden-Loyd One Man Tankette Publicity caused the Carden-Loyd Tractors LTD firm to get involved. This vehicle, built at Kensington in 1925 was presented to the War Office. The War Office then ordered one test vehicle built.
  7. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    Carden-Loyd Mark VIA Tankette
  8. Blue Sky

    moto gp

    Grandissimo Rossi!
  9. Sav... L'Avrocar è stato un fallimento totale, a stento si alzava da terra ed era praticamente inutilizzabile dal punto di vista operativo! Avrocar :pianto: Fine Ot!
  10. Blue Sky

    Nose Art

    B-17E "Naughty But Nice" Serial Number 41-2430
  11. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    SMK Experimental Heavy Tank In 1937 the Design Bureau of the KhPZ received the tasking to design a new heavy breakthrough tank on the base of the T-35. A requirements document of the ABTU, affirmed on 5 November 1937, suggested that a three-turreted vehicle be created, with a weight of 50-60 tons, armor thickness of 45-75mm, and armaments consisting of a single 76mm and two 45mm guns, and two DK and six DT machine-guns. It was planned to use the transmission and drive train of the T-35 in the new tank. However, the Design Bureau KhPZ, which in normal circumstances lacked sufficient resources to carry out such complex work, had been subjected to mild repressions among its engineering staff working on the project. Therefore, despite countless demands of the ABTU, by the beginning of 1938 the KhPZ designers had managed only to complete preliminary designs of the six variants of the new tank, which differed only in the arrangement of the armaments. Therefore, in April 1938, in order to accelerate the design of the new heavy breakthrough tank, the ABTU brought into the effort the LKZ, with its powerful production base and the experience of serial production of the T-28, and also Kirov Factory #85, the cadre of which had experience in their own right in the development of new types of combat vehicles. The former plant (LKZ) designed the SMK (Sergey Mironovich Kirov) tank, under the leadership of engineer A. S. Ermolaev. Factory #85 designed "Project 100," which subsequently received the designation T-100, led by engineer E. Sh. Paley. Thus, contrary to some oral and written accounts, the SMK and T-100 tanks had different bases and were developed simultaneously.
  12. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    Si, si tratta proprio dell'aereo più brutto nella storia dell'esistenza umana! Il posizionamento del cannone fu particolarmente incauto, dato che quando sparava il motore ingeriva i gas di scarico facendo stallare il compressore.
  13. Azzz. Lavoro notevolissimo, anche l'invecchiamento dovuto agli invertitori di spinta è molto realistico, complimenti davvero!
  14. Blue Sky

    Tanks curiosi

    Ma è Meglio di una barzelletta :asd: :asd: :asd: Qualche carro tascabile dopo aver visto questi bestioni! THE M22 "LOCUST" LIGHT AIRBORNE TANK The M22 "Locust" light tank was one of the smallest tanks used by the Allies in Europe during WWII. It was the first tank designed by the U.S. primarily for airborne operations. It was light in weight but was expected to add badly needed firepower to airborne forces.
  15. Blue Sky

    Bf109 F2/4 Trop 1/72

    Accidenti Folgore, ma per caso hai una linea di produzione??? Hai finito il modello a tempo di record, ed è venuto pure bene complimenti, magari ci posterai nuove foto meno ehm... Verdi!
  16. Blue Sky

    ciao ,sono lorenzo

    Benvenuto! Ti segnalo un video molto esplicito! Dogfight From the History Channel
  17. Blue Sky

    Diorama + A-109

    La recinzione sullo sfondo mi ha fatto venire in mente alcuni ottimi lavori di Barone! Toglimi una curosità, ma tu hai relizzato solo l'ambientazione sulla quale hai apposto il modello in metallo vero?
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