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Contenuto Popolare

Mostra il contenuto più apprezzato di 01/10/22 in tutte le aree

  1. La politica tedesca ci ripensa? It was reported on 8 January that the country's newly installed Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht had told Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz that the previously discounted F-35 and overlooked Eurofighter ECR were again being considered as replacements for the Luftwaffe's Panavia Tornado Interdiction and Strike/Electronic Combat Reconnaissance aircraft.
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  2. La RAF nei prossimi anni potrebbe acquistare ulteriori A400M, in numero ancora da stabilire. La RAF ha ricevuto 20 dei 22 A400 ordinati in origine e gli ultimi 2 saranno consegnati quest'anno. Nel 2023 i C130 saranno definitivamente pensionati.
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